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Recap / The Interns S 5 E 2

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Lobanov must somehow apologise before Irina, so she would give him a certificate that he is, in fact, sane. When this fails (because his clumsy attempts to do so only makes the situation worse), he tries to just break into her office and forge the certificate. But when Bykov finds out, he (in front of Lobanov) calls Irina and shouts on her (in truth, he's calling not yet sober Kupitman), then tells Lobanov that Irina is untrustworthy and must be fired. This forces Semyon to tell him the truth. But instead of punishing him, Bykov decides to give him another chance, with or without certificate — after all, if he managed to go through with that plan, it means that he at least has brains. Lobanov decides to apologise before Irina for Bykov yelling on her (still believing that it happened for real). She agrees to give him certificate, if he leaves her alone. But Semyon suddenly realises that he's in love...

Kupitman suffers from painful hangover, and needs help of one of Bykov's interns (anyone but Lobanov). Bykov sends Phil. Phil, being unaware of Kupitman's corrupt schemes, discharges all VIP patients, leaving Kupitman without their money. Angry Kupitman makes up fake sob story about him donating those money to "poor orphans" to make Phil feel shame. But when Bykov learns about this, he decides to intervene, believing that it's too low even for Kupitman. Bykov brings some children to play "orphans" whom Kupitman allegedly "helped", and his patient (an actress) to play their "orphanage's" director. This helps, since Kupitman realises just how disgusting his lie was.

Varya's patient is a professional photographer, who considers her to be beautiful, and wants to take several shots of her. But just not long ago he attempted the same trick with Lyuba, just to get a free VIP ward. And when he fails to get the ward from Varya, he tries this with Kisegach. Unfortunately for him, Bykov finds out and prepares to kick him out; the guy tries the same trick with Bykov, and Bykov seemingly agrees... only to refuse once he gets the photos.

This episode provides examples of:

  • The Alcoholic: Kupitman once again suffers from extreme hangover, and needs help of any intern whom Bykov can spare (except Lobanov). Bykov sends him Phil.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: That actress who asked Bykov to discharge her from the hospital, so she can attend a repetition? Bykov later asks her for help with punishing Kupitman when his greed comes a little too far (Kupitman created a sob, but completely fake story about him "helping" the orphans), by playing the orphanage's administrator (he even finds some children to play those orphans).
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: Lobanov needs a certificate from Irina that he is sane and can resume working with patients, but she is still angry at him for acting like a total asshole before. He constantly bothers her, which makes her even angrier at him, his gifts are complete miss (she refuses his cake because she doesn't eat sweets, and she's allergic to his flowers), and when she refuses, he starts shouting on her, and even insults her again.
  • Dispense with the Pleasantries: Varya's patient is a photographer. He tries to use this to manipulate her into giving him free VIP ward... but he just tried (and failed) that same trick with Lyuba not long before, and when it fails with Varya, achieves this with Kisegach. Later Bykov find out and tells him to move into ordinary ward, and photograph attempts that same trick with him... and Bykov accept his photo-session, after which he still forces him to go into ordinary ward, because only a fool would fall for such blatant flattery, and because he is not that good as a photographer anyway.
  • Greedy Jew: Kupitman is not amused by Phil letting his VIP patients go, since they are providing him with constant stream of money. He creates a sob story about poor orphans whom Phil just leaved without money by doing this. When Bykov finds out, he decides to punish him. Fortunately, he just has one actress amongst his patients...
  • Heel Realisation: Kupitman realises that he gone too far with his lies when Bykov brings the children to play the "orphans" whom he presumably "helped", along with their orphanage's administrator (actually actress).
  • My God, You Are Serious!: Gleb gets shocked when he realises that Semyon is not joking about his plan to break into Irina's office and just fake certificate, and (unsuccessfully) attempts to talk him out of it. Semyon even forces him to help, no matter if he wants it or not.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Phil reacts badly when Kupitman tells him his (fake) sob story about poor orphans, whom Phil just leaved without money. Fortunately, he tells about this to Bykov, who quickly explains that Kupitman is just that amoral to make up such lies.
    • Bykov tells Lobanov that after Irina gave Lobanov that certificate (despite previously claiming that she is dead set to keep him away from medicine), she just can't be trusted, because her first certificate (about Lobanov being unfit to work) may be just as clumsily done, and that she is probably just incompetent and must be fired. Lobanov, realising that his selfishness can hurt an innocent person, tells Bykov that the second certificate is fake, he just forged it. Bykov decides to let it slide, because since Lobanov actually created that plan himself, he may be not so moronic as he seems, and deserves another chance (there are strong hints that this is what Bykov planned to achieve, as he only pretends to call Irina).
  • Oh, Crap!: Kupitman, while snoring, hears out Phil's report about job done. When Phil tells that he discharged all VIP patients, Kupitman chokes on his snoring, suddenly wakes up, sobers up and asks what the hell, as he realises that Phil just deprived him of his main source of income, and he has no means to salvage the situation.
  • Pulling the Thread: When Lobanov tells him that he obtained a certificate, Bykov decides to check this, and calls Irina. During their conversation he shouts on her, and then tells Semyon that she is untrustworthy and must be fired; unknowingly to him, Bykov actually called to Kupitman, but acted like he indeed speaks with Irina. Lobanov admits the truth, realising that Irina may be hurt because of him (though persisting is hopeless, cause all it takes to disprove his lies is to talk to Irina personally). Bykov then tells him that if he came up with that plan, then he's not completely brainless.
