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Recap / The Goldbergs S 5 E 15 Adam Spielburg

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A Plot: Adam decides to make his own Indiana Jones film with Jackie and Erica's help, and despite his insistence that she does not interfere, Beverly enlists Johnny, Carla, Dan, Taz Money and the JTP to assist with the production. The filming is plagued with issues, leading Adam to have a nervous breakdown and abandon his dream of directing. Beverly helps him see that the part of the process he most enjoyed was the scriptwriting, and he decides to pursue writing as a career, while the production resumes with Johnny as director.

B Plot: Barry claims to have found the best Philadelphia cheesesteak, recounting an anecdote in which he got lost and stumbled upon a diner in Jersey, which he has not been able to find again since. Learning the location of the diner from Mellor, Barry sets out with Murray, but during the trip they get lost for hours, pick a cheesesteak that proves far too spicy, and get locked out of the closed diner with their keys still inside. Trying to steal a less spicy cheesesteak from a man at a bus station, Barry is injured while fleeing. Murray consoles him at the hospital, and they return the next day to buy more cheesesteaks, which are just as magnificent as Barry alleged.

  • Amateur Film-Making Plot: Adam tries to make his own Indiana Jones movie. Emphasis on tries.
  • Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce: Barry grabbed a bottle of Donkey Kick Sauce at Donkey’s Place for his cheesesteak, liking its cool-sounding name. But he was unaware that the Donkey Kick Sauce is a very spicy sauce, which was brought up by the Crusty Old Man who worked there when he leaves.
    Crusty Old Man: He chose poorly.
  • Fix It in Post: Adam keeps saying it while shooting his movie. By the end it becomes a Madness Mantra, as he is left with no usable footage to fix.
  • Indy Hat Roll: Spoofed with Barry and a cheesesteak he stole. The door ends up pinning his arm and he has to go to the hospital.
  • Line-of-Sight Name: Adam names his Indiana Jones fan film "Indiana Jones and the Thunder Glove of the Prime Mutant" after looking at his toy collection in his room. (In order, a Lion-O figure, a Nintendo Power Glove, an Optimus Prime figure, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.)
  • Movie-Making Mess: The main plot, in which Adam tries to make his own Indiana Jones fan movie, but then he suffers a mental breakdown during production, and at the end, he decides to stick to writing scripts, which was his strong point.
  • Satiating Sandwich: Barry takes Murray in a search for the best cheesesteak sandwich in the world, calling it the "Hoagie Grail".
  • Whole-Plot Reference: Barry's plot to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
