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Recap / The Ghost And Molly Mc Gee S 2 E 25 Web Of Lies

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While popping plastic bubble wraps in the basement during chores, Molly and Scratch come across what appears to be Darryl's spider Heidi's corpse, and believe they inadvertently killed his beloved pet. The two bury the spider in the backyard and swear up and down to keep Darryl from realizing what happened, but soon their paranoia begins growing to the point where they think the ghost of Heidi is out to get them.


  • Accidental Murder:
    • Averted with Heidi since Molly just stepped on a discarded exoskeleton.
    • Played straight with a bird Scratch accidentally kills when he throws away a shovel.
  • Black Comedy: After learning that Molly didn't kill Heidi, Scratch throws away the shovel they used, only for it to immediately hit a bird and kill it.
  • Blatant Lies: Scratch tries Playing the Victim Card by arguing that the curse forcing him to be with Molly made him an accomplice. Y'know, the same curse that was already broken back when the McGees left the house.
  • Bottle Episode: The episode takes place at the house and in the backyard.
  • Call-Back: Molly falsely claims Heidi is on vacation at Centipede World.
  • Disney Death: Turns out Heidi was never dead at all; she was just molting. What Molly stepped on was her molted exoskeleton, and what they thought was Heidi's ghost was a freshly molted Heidi.
  • Forbidden Fruit: Just Darryl telling Molly and Scratch to stay away from the basement gives them the irresistible urge to go there.
  • Foregone Conclusion: It's obvious that Heidi is still alive, because if Molly had actually stepped on her, her ghost would have floated out of her body immediately, based on what happens to other creatures that die in the show (aptly demonstrayed by the bird dying at the end of the episode).
  • Honesty Aesop: Molly and Scratch disobey Darryl and enter the basement, and their antics with bubblewrap apparently kill Heidi; not wanting Darryl to be upset, they bury Heidi out back and repeatedly lie to Darryl whenever he keeps asking them what happened to her. When the guilt gets too far, they finally spill the beans, only for Darryl to reveal that Heidi was just molting and Molly only stepped on her shed skin.
  • Lame Rhyme Dodge: Molly freaks out and screams "Arachnid in my cup!" after seeing Heidi in her drink, not knowing Darryl was in earshot. When he questions what she said, she passes it off as "I'm rapping about a pup", claiming she's writing a hip-hop song about a dog.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The entire episode is about Molly and Scratch's extreme guilt over apparently killing Heidi.
  • Obligatory Joke: After Molly says Darryl would be crushed if he found out they killed Heidi, Scratch cracks, "Like Heidi, right?", to which Molly replies by just giving him a cold side-eye, causing Scratch to shout, "I'm sorry, I had to!"
  • Pathetically Weak: While digging a grave for Heidi, Scratch struggles to lift a small stone with the shovel.
  • Running Gag:
    • Scratch excusing himself from work by claiming to have "paddle hands".
    • The series-wide running gag of a bird dying and its ghost flying off returns at the end of the episode.
  • Shout-Out: Molly and Scratch supposedly killing a sibling's pet and then letting their guilt get the better of them, and then finding out that the pet is fine is similar to the Drake & Josh episode, "Megan's Revenge".
