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Recap / The Genius S 3 E 10 Chain Auction

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Chain Auction (Monorail)

Air date: December 3, 2014
Games inspired by: Monorail — Venice Connection

Guests for this episode are two previous Genius winners: Hong Jinho and Lee Sangmin.

Each player get a tile with a hidden number on it. Then they get 4 more tiles with numbers and mathematical operations through auctions. The goal is to make a math equation with these tiles. Result is calculated according to order of operations and fractional part is dropped. The closer result is to 10 the more points players gets, with maximum 20 points for 10.

Also before completing an equation, each contestant submits their guesses at what other players' hidden numbers are. If they have guessed right 3 points are taken from exposed player and transferred to the guesser.

To compete in auctions players are given 20 initial coins. Bidding goes in clockwise order based on players' seats. Player that bid the most gets the first pick of auction's selection. Second to pick is the player right before winning player and so on (picks go in counter-clockwise direction).

Remaining coins at the end of a game are added to players' point tally 2 points for each coin. Contestants are free to exchange tiles and give coins to each other as they see fit.

After some amusing hustle over who sits where, players sit, are bound to a chain and the main match starts.

Hyunmin figures out a trick with division. Because all numbers are taken from pool of 1 to 12 he can make number from ANY two given numbers dividing lesser number with bigger number. Then all he has to do is to add this fractional number to 10 or subtract it from 11. Most importantly this makes Hyunmin safe from others guessing his secret number. He builds his game entirely around it from the start.

Dongmin is mistaken thinking operations are calculated from left to right so he plays his main match targeting (12-10)*5 equation (5 is his secret number), not realizing that his formula actually results in 12-(10*5)=-38. Once he realizes his mistake, he notices that Hyunmin has 4 that he will readily trade for anything (his division trick allows for any number). He trades 4 for 12 making (5*4)-10=10, but this only makes it blindingly obvious what his hidden number is.

Jinho didn't participate in bidding wars during the game so he had all of his coins plus he gained some via trading with Yeonseung. Originally, he settled for 12+7/9=12, but at the last second he realizes he can achieve 10 using the same division trick as Hyunmin so he swaps operations in his formula and gets 12/7+9=10.

Jinho and Hyunmin gain 20 points and nobody guesses their number, but Jinho is #1 because of his coins advantage. He wins $10 000 as a guest and Hyunmin at #2 wins the game as a player.

Dongmin who got his number exposed got his points whittled down by everyone's right guesses and is the last Genius player. He is going to elimination and picks Yeonjoo as his opponent.

They are playing Monorail, a game where players need to complete looping railroad. Players are given 16 square tiles with a straight line on one side and a 90 degrees turn on another. They take turn placing tiles forming a track with the goal finishing the track. All placed tiles have to be a part of a road. The first player to complete the loop wins. Alternatively, instead of making a turn player can announce that completing the track is now impossible with all tiles placed and they win if opponent can't prove otherwise.

Dongmin who wasn't feeling good this entire day makes yet another mistake during Deathmatch. Yeonjoo is just about to win and producers even start Dongmin's elimination montage.

And then Dongmin does something strange. He places a tile that clearly makes the track impossible yet he is still looking his usual calm and collected. Is there a trick Yeonjoo can't see? She is convinced that she has to resume the game and takes the bait, placing her tile. After her turn Dongmin announces that track is impossible and wins Deathmatch in a desperation move, eliminating Yeonjoo.

