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Recap / The Flash 2014 S 7 E 3 Mother

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With Eva on the verge of victory, Team Flash must find a way to repower Barry and save everyone.

Tropes Featured in this Episode

  • 10-Minute Retirement: At the start of the episode, Barry resigns himself to having to stop Eva without his speed, noting that if the Speed Force is dead then so is the Flash. This lasts until they find a way to use the ASF to revive the Speed Force.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Defied. When Sue insists the people she just met aren't really her parents, she figures Joe won't believe her. But not only has Joe seen more than enough weirdness to convince him, he's already gotten a hundred calls from citizens insisting their loved ones are acting totally out of character.
  • Arc Words: "Run, Barry, run" comes up again, with Wells tacking on "run towards love" to give Barry the encouragement he needs.
  • Body Horror: Ralph's burned up face is...not a pretty sight.
  • The Bus Came Back: Sue and Ralph both come Back for the Finale, though the latter is a case of Fake Shemp.
  • But Now I Must Go:
    • After redeeming herself, Eva opts to return to the Mirrorverse to raise her "children" with love this time, not hatred.
    • Wells, Ralph and Sue all say their goodbyes to Team Flash at the end — Wells to relive his four years with his wife in a "Groundhog Day" Loop and Ralph and Sue, no longer being hunted by the authorities, going to travel the world in search of other forces like Black Hole to stop them.
  • Call-Back: While Barry is using the ASF and The Power of Love to revive the Speed Force, he flashes back to joyous moments with various loved ones.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Cisco suits up as Vibe to fight Eva, albeit using tech to substitute for his lost powers.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: The plan to get Barry repowered involves rewiring the ASF to tap into an organic source (Iris) instead of an artificial one. Wells points out that there's the chance that Barry would end up getting his molecules scattered if it doesn't work. It works.
  • Easily Forgiven: Cisco and Caitlin make it clear that they don’t blame Barry for his actions whilst under the ASF’s influence.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: After several hints beforehand, Iris is confirmed to have some control over the Mirrorverse during her fight with Eva. Though Iris herself states that she loses this power once Eva returns to the Mirrorverse.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Barry ends up figuring out how to restore the Speed Force after he ends up getting zapped trying to hold Iris' hand.
  • Fake Shemp: Ralph first appears as a half-melted, disfigured blob, and later wears a face-concealing helmet and speaks with a computer-synthesized voice, making it painfully obvious that it's not Hartley Sawyer.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Mirror-Cecile still has the friendly, playful tone the real Cecile has, while trying to convince Joe to give in and step into the Mirrorverse.
  • Genre Savvy: For once, the people of Central City are this. A key reason Joe believes Sue's tales of her parents being imposters is that the police force is being flooded with calls from citizens insisting their loved ones are acting out of character.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Eva marks the first Big Bad who pulls a full one and makes it out alive.
  • He's Back!: Barry’s back to full strength as the Flash after the Speed Force is revived.
  • Informed Attribute: Eva is said to be actually faster than the Flash. While she is eventually able to score a hit on him, most of the time he still runs circles around her and even his far slower friends can fight her duplicates just fine.
  • Latex Perfection: Sue disguises herself as a police officer this way.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Barry's claim that the original Harrison Wells is the one he most wanted to meet is perhaps a nod to the years of fan theories and demands regarding the return of this particular incarnation of the character.
  • Menacing Stroll: The mirror duplicate of Officer Daisy Korber chases Joe and Cecile this way.
  • Me's a Crowd: Eva summons multiple duplicates of herself in the fight against Team Flash.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Eva ultimately realizes that her actions are no better than the humans she looks down upon.
  • New Era Speech: Eva makes one towards Barry.
  • Non-Linear Character: Wells claims that he can now perceive all of time within his natural lifespan at once, and can travel freely through time and space.
  • Not Quite Dead: Turns out the Speed Force is this. Thanks to Iris serving as Barry's lightning rod through the Speed Force, Team Flash is able to use that connection to recreate the Speed Force as it was before.
  • Obliviously Evil: Up until her My God, What Have I Done? moment, Eva still doesn't consider herself evil in any capacity.
  • Oh, Crap!: Eva has a short moment when Iris counters her powers.
  • The Power of Love: The main component as to how Barry is repowered. He finally figures out why he was chosen as the Paragon of Love as he believes it's through his love for Iris, which he compares to being as strong as the lightning bolt that hit him so many years ago.
  • Put on a Bus: Ralph and Sue leave Central City, intending to take down any organisation they find that resembles Black Hole.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Ralph getting disfigured, and later leaving the team to travel the world with Sue, was the result of Hartley Sawyer being fired from the show during the hiatus.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless: Eva calls out Barry for this, pointing out how her technology can improve the actual state of the world.
  • Season Finale: Technically, as this episode was originally intended to be the ending of Season 6 before the COVID-19 pandemic halted production on the show.
  • The Stinger: The episode ends by showing that when Barry and Iris restored the Speed Force, the energy that shot up from S.T.A.R. Labs went into the sky and unleashed bolts of various colored lightning across the sky.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: Iris and Barry ultimately manage to get it through to Eva that what she's doing is wrong, and that far from being better stewards of the world than humans, her "children" are driven by hatred and threaten to destroy everything in their path. Realizing they're right, she shatters her creations and returns to the Mirrorverse to build a better world there.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Eva can now utilize any reflective surface for her powers, not just mirrors.
  • Trash the Set: While we don't see it onscreen, Sue states that Eva blew up McCulloch Labs.
  • Villainous BSoD: What gets Eva to finally stop.
    Eva: No. No, I-I wanted to make things better. ...I failed two worlds.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: There's no sign of what happened to Sunshine, Dr. Light, or Ultraviolet.
