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Recap / The Crystal Kingdom Chapter Five

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"What mortal danger will our heroes not take seriously this week? Maybe they’ll make some boner jokes at some skeletons? It’s the Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

See here for the main recap page.

Our heroes face a series of challenges while exploring Lucas' lab that are, admittedly, all pretty adorable. But still super deadly! Just, like, huggably deadly. Merle performs a random act of kindness. Taako remembers an acrobatic nursery rhyme. Magnus experiences the magic of flight.


  • Expospeak Gag: One room is labelled "Large Humanoid Species Behaviour Modification Testing”, which is actually scratched out and hastily relabeled “hugbears”. The heroes immediately check out that room.
  • Morality Chip: Lucas installed aggression inhibitor chips in a family of bugbears, turning them into very polite bodyguards and maintenance workers in the lab.
