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Recap / The Big Bang Theory S 11 E 5 The Collaboration Contamination

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Amy needs an engineer's help with a project and asks Howard. Sheldon has invented a game called "What siren am I?". Penny reads one of Bernie's parenting books and uses it on Sheldon.


  • Bait-and-Switch: Howard tells Raj there's a time and place for his randy dog stories: never and nowhere.
  • Everyone Knows Morse: Sheldon tries to communicate with Amy in facial tic morse code. She doesn't know it, but Howard does and asks him to say it to his face — twice.
  • Fence Painting: Bernadette tricks Sheldon into doing chores by saying that Howard loves doing them, and it would make him mad if he did them before he did. She even references the Trope Namer when she asks Sheldon if he ever read Tom Sawyer.
  • Manchild: Penny uses Bernadette's parenting book on Sheldon, and it turns out to be highly effective ("It's like the answer key to the Sheldon test.") When Sheldon figures it out, he's upset.
    Sheldon: What makes you think you can treat me like a child?
    Leonard: Your shampoo comes in a Big Bird bottle.
    Sheldon: That's because the adult shampoo burns my man eyes!
  • Reverse Psychology: Bernadette takes a page out of Tom Sawyer and tells Sheldon Howard loves chores to get him to do them.
  • Shout-Out: The teddy bear Halley threw up on was actually Leonard's Ewok. Raj also mentions having a Rocket Raccoon plush that Cinnamon licked raw.
