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Recap / The Americans S 2 E 8 New Car

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Lucia goes to Larrick's to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart, but Larrick gets the better of her and subdues her. When Elizabeth shows up, Larrick proposes to exchange her life for his freedom from the KGB - Elizabeth agrees with the condition of Larrick aiding them in breaking into the Martial Eagle Camp and a last report from Nicaragua. However, when Larrick unties Lucia she attacks him in a final attempt to kill the man who tortured her father and murdered her family. Larrick overpowers her and alters the deal: Lucia's life for his final collaboration, and Elizabeth reluctantly agrees.

Philip finds out from Kate the plans they stole from the factory for a propeller system were fakes the Americans had planted, and a Soviet submarine carrying 160 men went down as a result. She urges Philip to make sure his and Elizabeth's mission at the Martial Eagle camp to be successful because of this.

Anton, the scientist Philip kidnapped, is back in the Soviet Union, and Vasili, who's overseeing prisoners of the Soviet Union in Anton's shoes, tells Anton to start working on any technical information the Soviets are able to steal from America about the Stealth program. Meanwhile, Stan continues to work on Anton's disappearance, but Agent Gaad tells him to forget it, and the Department of Justice won't help him either.

Elsewhere, the neighbors whose house Henry broke into to play Intellivision discover him sleeping on the couch, and Philip does in fact buy a new car (a Camaro).

This episode contains examples of:

  • The Bus Came Back: Vasili, now put in charge of a science facility.
  • Character Death: Lucia is killed by Larrick.
  • Choke Holds: How Larrick ends up killing Lucia.
  • Continuity Nod: Elizabeth and Philip continue to argue about what they think about America - Philip thinks it is better in many ways, but Elizabeth, while conceding it's nicer and easier, says it's not better.
  • Cool Car: Philip (as well as Henry and Stan) certainly seems to think the Camaro he bought is this. Elizabeth, not so much.
  • Foreshadowing: When Martha complains to "Clark" about having to spy on Gaad, Philip doctors a recording from Gaad's office to make it look like he and other FBI agents are making unflattering comments about Martha's looks. "Clark" doesn't end up playing the tape for her, but it does become important later.
    • The stealth technology Kate tells Philip about, and Oleg tells Arkady about (allowing planes to fly without being picked up by radar) becomes important throughout the season.
    • Oleg tells Arkady he has a brother who's fighting in Afghanistan, which becomes important later in the series.
  • Instant Sedation: Zigzagged - when Lucia shoots Larrick with a tranquilizer gun, he doesn't pass out right away, but stays awake enough to fight with Lucia (though he eventually does pass out), whereas when he shoots her with the gun, she immediately collapses to the floor, unconscious.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Elizabeth justifies allowing Larrick to kill Lucia in the name of the greater cause.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When Stan complains to the deputy Attorney General about the "goddamn bureaucracy" he needs to get around to get code word clearance from the Department of Justice, the deputy Attorney General responds, "I am the goddamn bureaucracy."
  • It's All My Fault: When Arkady and Oleg are talking about the doomed submarine (Arkady mentions he knew someone who was almost assigned to the sub), Oleg points out the submarine commander should have tested the propeller more, but Arkady responds it was his job to make sure the information he and his agents got was correct, and he didn't, so the submarine sinking was his fault.
  • Layman's Terms: Oleg's report on the stealth technology is so full of technobabble, Arkady asks him to put it in layman's terms, at which point Oleg tells him the Americans have figured out a way for their fighters to avoid radar detection.
  • Premature Encapsulation: Kate mentions to Philip the "Martial Eagle" camp, which is the name of the following episode.
  • Shout-Out: After Philip drives Henry home in the Camaro, we see them dancing along to "Rock This Town".
