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Recap / Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann S 1 E 24 I Will Never Forget This Minute This Second

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No sooner has the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren emerged from a hole deep in space than it faces a gigantic hologram of Nia. As it turns out, the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren finds itself in a universe created by the Anti-Spirals, who launch huge battlecraft. Team Dai-Gurren along with the Graperl squad handle the smaller vessels launched by the large ones. In order to combat these warships, Simon must combine the Arc-Gurren Lagann with the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren, but it takes a lot of time for Simon to generate enough Spiral power to transform. Team Dai Gurren handles the enemy craft in the meantime.

At first Team Dai-Gurren handles the Anti-Spiral fighters, but soon enough, these craft begin to increase their attacks, resulting in Zorthy being killed. One of the battleships launches thirteen missiles at the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren which are blasted by it, Yoko and Darry. Iraak and Kidd fall to the Anti-Spiral craft as does Makken, Leyte's husband. Leyte herself keeps working despite her loss and announces that Spiral power is at almost full capacity.

Darry's Graperl is damaged, so Gimmy comes to help her, but the two are surrounded by Anti-Spiral craft. However Jorgun and Balinbow come to their aid and sacrifice themselves throwing the two damaged Graperls towards the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren.

The Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren is finally ready to transform when it is suddenly dragged down by a gravitational pull towards an ocean in space where all Spiral power is lost.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Dwindling Party: In order of their demise: Zorthy, Iraak, Kidd, Maaken, Jorgun, and Balinbow.
  • Face Death with Dignity: While many of the Team Dai-Gurren members smile as they face their end, special mention goes to Jorgun and Balinbow as they laugh maniacally before blowing up, taking many Anti-Spiral craft with them.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Jorgun and Balinbow come to Darry and Gimmy's aid, sacrificing themselves by throwing the two damaged Graperls towards the Super Galaxy Dai-Gurren.
