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Recap / Star Wars vs Warhammer 40K S2 "Soldiers of the Storm"

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While Major Lazarus deals with his ambush and begins the preparations for his plan, the Republic's Clone forces close in on victory. Clone Commander 65 is more than ready to bring this battle to a crushing close. Will Krieg be enough to change that?

Tropes in this special include:

  • Alliterative Title: "Soldiers of the Storm".
  • Bulletproof Human Shield: During the Battle of the Bloody Bridges, some of the Cadian Shock Troopers charging across the second bridge pile up their dead comrades' corpses and use them as cover to shield themselves from incoming Clone blasterfire.
  • Continuity Nod: When reacting with disbelief to the news of Catch's death, 65 somberly notes how they had survived the Battle of Geonosis together.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The entire episode, from start to finish, is told from Clone Commander 65's perspective as he commands the Republic's forces during the Battle of the Bloody Bridges on Axum.
  • Mistaken Identity: 65 mistakes the deployment of Bullgryns across one of the bridges for Space Marines.
  • Mounted Combat: Death Riders Cavalry are deployed early in the Second Battle of Axum, much to the surprise of 65 and the other clone troopers under his command. The surprise turns to complete shock and horror when the antiquated strategy actually works.
  • Oh, Crap!: 65's immediate reaction when one of his spotters suddenly yells out that the Imperials have seemingly deployed Space Marines (really just Ogryn shock troops which the clones misidentified as Astartes) across one of the bridges.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: 65 comes to the conclusion that Space Marines are Not So Invincible After All. While he's not wrong to think this (as later episodes would indeed demonstrate that Space Marines can still be killed by Jedi, Sith, and even sufficiently skilled clone troopers), he only comes to this conclusion because he managed to kill a group of Ogryn shock troops (which he mistook for Space Marines) by using explosive charges to collapse the bridge they were marching across.
  • Rousing Speech: Clone Commander 65 gives one to his men at the end of this special.
    65: Come on, troopers! Do I need to remind you of the strategic importance of our position here?! Look back there! See those buildings? They are full of the people we are here to save, this whole planet is! Our mission is to take this city, and take it swiftly! Being down on ourselves is a luxury the Republic cannot afford. We are the key to the General's assault, the other battalions are counting on our support! If we fail, everyone fails! Do you understand this?!
    Clone Troopers: Sir, yes, sir!
    65: Then get your fire back, we have hard work ahead, and it's only going to get harder! Defense teams, move to reinforce the barricades and pull back the wounded! Fire teams, form a defensive line and defend what's left of our artillery! We are fighting without their support from now on, everything that is left needs to go to General Secura! Are you ready?!
    Clone Troopers: Sir yes sir!
    65: We are the clones of Kamino, the Soldiers of the Storm! We will save the Republic, no matter the cost! Now, move out!
  • Title Drop: During 65's rousing speech to his men at the end of the episode, he refers to himself and his fellow clone troopers as the "soldiers of the storm."
  • "You!" Exclamation: A slightly unhinged 65 exclaims this upon finally coming face-to-face with Commissar Indricta on the battlefield after previously failing to shoot her dead from long range.
