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Recap / Star Wars Resistance S1E9 "Secrets and Holograms"

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This episode aired December 2, 2018.

Torra is playing a flight simulator in her room, but eventually her ship is eaten by an exogorth and the game ends. She slumps back, bored at being alone all the time, and is comforted by her pet, Buggles. She decides to go out and ask her father if they can go on a hovercruise. However, Captain Doza is awaiting the arrival of representatives of the First Order, and he tells Torra they can go on a cruise in a few hours. He sends 4D-M1N to lock Torra into her room for a few hours for her own safety. After she's gone, he receives a message from Commander Pyre, who requests the tower's docking area be prepared, as he'll be arriving soon. At her room, Torra claims to the droid that her pet needs to go out or otherwise he'll make a mess. 4D says she'll take Buggles out herself, and locks the door... but Torra has figured out the passcode, and sneaks out anyway. She's rumbled when Buggles sees her over 4D's shoulder, but the droid can't pursue because, right on cue, the pet makes a mess on the floor.

In the lower levels, Kaz and BB-8 are walking the halls, intent on their mission to spy on the First Order. They come to the tower's delivery door, which Kaz asks BB to open so they can get in. Instead, he runs into Torra, leaving, head-first, and she grabs him and runs off so they can have some fun. Wandering the marketplace with Kaz, Torra finds a pretty object for sale, but when the vendor raises the price by four times upon recognizing her, she changes her mind about buying. Confronted with multiple Colossus residents wanting to know what Captain Doza is doing, what with the cancelled races and everything, Kaz tells them to back off from Torra, and the two, and BB-8, swiftly extricate themselves. Kaz asks Torra what's going on with the First Order and her dad, and she explains that they want Captain Doza to sign an order allowing them to patrol the station to fend off pirate attacks, lamenting that if he takes it, the only flying she'll get to do is on simulators.

Upon finding out that Torra has the latest flight simulators, Kaz is excited, and she invites him up to play one with her, suggesting that they get back to the tower before the First Order arrives. They're a little late on that front, however, as Pyre's shuttle flies overhead to dock. Captain Doza receives Pyre in his office, where they discuss the deal. Sneaking into the tower, Kaz and Torra have to avoid security droids, and Torra explains that she snuck out, so she has to sneak back in. They enter a lounge, where all the other Aces are relaxing. Freya and Griff ask Torra about why her father has cancelled races, but she doesn't have an answer. In the middle of pigging out on a bowl of food, Kaz discovers that Jace Rucklin has been forced to get a job as a servant at Doza Tower in order to earn enough money to buy a new racer. Rucklin hasn't forgotten or forgiven Kaz allegedly destroying his ship, and vows once again to get back at him. Kaz and Torra head off to her room.

Captain Doza tells Commander Pyre that he's going to have to think about the First Order's offer, especially due to Pyre's non-committal answers to how long a stormtrooper garrison would stay on the Colossus after the pirate threat was eliminated. In the hallway outside, Pyre gives Doza a datapad with information about the deal, and Kaz and Torra, sneaking about, witness this. Kaz tries to get into Doza's office when Doza heads off to escort Pyre out, but Torra tells him he's going the wrong way. While Kaz oohs and aahs over Torra's flight simulators, she sits on her bed and laments how few friends she has. Kaz says he's happy to be her friend, since there are so few people their age on the platform, and they play a flight simulator. However, the game is eventually interrupted when 4D arrives, and Kaz and BB are forced to hide quickly. However, BB's hiding place was worse, and he's seen by 4D, who goes into attack mode. Torra eventually gets the droid to stand down, saying that BB is just a delivery droid, but as Kaz slips out behind her back, 4D says that ball droids can't really be trusted. BB slips out as well.

Kaz, sneaking through the halls, heads back to Doza's office, where BB-8 gets the door open and he slips into the lift. However, Rucklin sees Kaz enter and, seeing an opportunity to have revenge on him, heads off to find Doza. Captain Doza is furious when Rucklin interrupts his conversation with Pyre, and makes him wait until after the First Order officer's shuttle has departed. When Rucklin explains what he saw, he and Doza head to the office, as Kaz, inside, searches the drawers of the desk for the datapad, eventually finding it in the last one he looks in. As he downloads the data, BB-8, seeing Doza and Rucklin coming, contacts Kaz to warn him. Kaz says he needs more time. Eventually, as Doza and Rucklin are in the turbolift, Kaz finishes up, puts the datapad back, and finds a hiding place in a nearby closet just in time. Doza is notably skeptical when Kaz is nowhere to be found in the office, as Rucklin panics. Inside the closet, Kaz gasps when he finds an old Imperial uniform inside, nearly leading to his discovery by Rucklin. However, Doza prevents him from opening the closet, angrily exclaiming that the contents are private, and ordering Rucklin to take away his trash. After the former racer leaves, Doza nearly opens the closet, but is interrupted by the arrival of Torra, who tells him the Aces want to know what's going on with the First Order, so he leaves. Kaz finally leaves the closet, but is frightened when the turbolift arrives yet again, only for BB-8 to be inside. Showing BB the uniform, Kaz says that Doza being a former Imperial would explain why he's so shady.

Back in the hallways of Doza Tower, Kaz is found by Torra again, who promises to show him a secret way out. Kaz is not comforted when it turns out to be via the trash disposal. When he, Torra and BB arrive in a dark room, Kaz asks if this is a trash compactor. Torra laughs and responds that it's just a trash incinerator. She's not so calm when she realizes that she's gotten the date wrong and the incinerator will be active. As BB-8 races to get the door open, Kaz and Torra dodge laser beams and crushing arms inside the trash bin. Kaz's life is at one point accidentally saved by the arrival of the trash Rucklin was ordered to dispose of. Eventually, the three escape the incinerator. Torra asks Kaz straight out, "Are you... a spy?" Kaz laughs it off, but Torra explains that her father found out that Kaz used to be with the New Republic Navy, and she keeps a close eye on what her father knows. Kaz quickly claims that he quit the navy to be a racer, and Torra, not buying it, quietly tells him he should go, and they split up. Arriving back in her room, Torra gives Buggles a pet, only for her father to arrive. Oblivious to everything that's transpired, Captain Doza tells his daughter to get ready for the promised hovercruise, since it's about time she got out of her room. After he leaves, Torra picks up Buggles and, looking out of her window, wonders who Kaz really is.


  • Bait-and-Switch: When Torra is shopping at the market, the vendor initially charges her five credits for a meteorite. When he turns round and realises who his customer is, he's overjoyed and tells her that for her, the price is... twenty credits, because he knows she can afford that much.
  • Blatant Lies: When Torra confronts Kaz about him actually being a spy and provides evidence for it, including his career as a New Republic pilot, Kaz awkwardly laughs it off and claims that he left the Navy to be a racer... now why would someone with a cushy military job in the Core Worlds quit for a low reason like being a racer in the middle of nowhere? Naturally, Torra doesn't buy it one bit.
  • Butt-Monkey: Rucklin is treated as such by Captain Doza and the Aces.
  • Call-Back:
    • Captain Doza has cancelled all races and is discussing a security deal with the First Order, as a result of the pirate attack in "Synara's Score".
    • Rucklin works as a servant in Doza Tower, trying to earn back money to buy a new racer, and he certainly hasn't forgotten what Kaz supposedly did to him back in "Fuel for the Fire".
    • Just like in "Fuel for the Fire", Kaz goes snooping around in a superior's office and finds a memento from the Galactic Civil War that hints at their Dark and Troubled Past.
    • Kaz, Torra, and BB-8 exit Doza Tower via the trash chute... only instead of being a trash compactor, it's a trash incinerator.
    • Just like her father at the end of "The High Tower", Torra wonders aloud who Kaz really is.
  • The Cameo: Garma waves at Kaz in his first scene.
  • Chekhov's Gun: While snooping around in Doza's office, Kaz presses a bunch of buttons and one of them opens and closes the closet. Kaz hides in there when Doza and Rucklin come in to find him.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Torra is shown playing a motion-controlled flight simulator game, which she later challenges Kaz to. When they end up in the trash incinerator, Torra realises they can use their skills from the flight sim to help them evade the incineration beams.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Torra's flight simulators have exogorths as obstacles.
    • The meteorites on sale at the market that Torra takes a liking to look very familiar.
    • Just like his first visit to the Aces Lounge in "The High Tower", Kaz finds a bowl of food he likes and pigs out on it.
  • A Day in the Limelight: For Torra.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Since Kaz didn't change his name while going undercover, Captain Doza found out that he used to be a pilot for the New Republic Navy. And since Torra keeps an eye on what her father is doing, she is able to know what he knows.
  • Everybody Has Standards:
    • Torra is weirded out by Kaz stuffing his face full of food by the handful the moment they enter one of the tower's lounges.
    • Captain Doza is pissed when Rucklin runs up to him in the middle of a professional meeting.
  • Evil Is Petty: Rucklin rats out Kaz to Doza when he sees him sneaking into the latter's office, mostly out of revenge rather than because it's what anyone else would have done.
  • False Reassurance: Torra is quick to reassure Kaz that her shortcut hasn't taken them into a trash compactor. It's taken them into a trash incinerator.
  • Foreshadowing: At the beginning of the episode, Captain Doza explains to Torra that the First Order is nothing like the pirates and marauders they've faced in the past. Of course he might know that — he used to serve the Galactic Empire.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Escaping the incinerator, Tora says it's just like the game they were playing.
  • Internal Reveal: Torra is catching on that there's more to Kaz than he claims.
  • Mythology Gag: The antiques vendor resembles a bothan as they are portrayed in the Legends continuity (they have yet to be explicitly depicted visually in canon), though his species is not identified.
  • Never My Fault: Rucklin still blames Kaz for the destruction of his racer, even though he was the one who destroyed it by stealing some unstable fuel without even knowing of the consequences, and the only effect of Kaz's intervention was to get him out of the ship before it blew.
  • No OSHA Compliance: The trash incinerator has a door in it, presumably for workers and maintenance, but no sensors to detect living organisms and halt the incineration process if some are trapped in there.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Kaz's reaction when BB-8 tells him that Doza and Rucklin are on their way up to the office, while he's downloading the information from the First Order datapad. Fortunately, he manages to hide in a closet before they get there.
    • Torra is initially unconcerned when she tells Kaz they've gone into the trash incinerator, because she knows that it only gets activated every three days and they're on the second day. When Kaz corrects her on the time...
  • Properly Paranoid: According to 4D, Captain Doza warned his droids to keep an eye out for unauthorized droids in the tower, especially ball droids like BB-8, as they could be spy droids. He's right.
  • Tempting Fate: Torra admits that she's never taken her shortcut through the trash incinerator before, but it should be fine. Naturally, the incinerator is activated while they're in it.
  • The Reveal: Captain Doza is a former Imperial Navy officer.note 
  • Toilet Humour: Torra claims to 4D that Buggles has to go out or he'll make a mess. And when 4D catches Torra sneaking out of her room... Buggles proceeds to leave a puddle of bright purple pee on the floor, which 4D finds disgusting.
  • Wham Shot: The Imperial Navy uniform hung up in Captain Doza's closet.
  • What Does This Button Do?: Kaz does this to a bunch of buttons on Captain Doza's desk.
