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Recap / Solar Opposites S2 E1 - "The Sacred Non-Repeating Number"

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Tropes for this episode include:

  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: With arsenals of sci-fi weapons at the ready, Terry and Jesse and the other Shlorpian family charge at each other for possession of the Pupa, only for the scene to cut to an image of a sticky note saying, "Sydney— Please ask Hulu for an extra million $ so we can go over budget on a kick-ass action sequence! —Mike M." Terry then comments on the grandeur of the battle and the fact that it was done in one take.
    Terry: Jesus, shit. That was the craziest battle I've ever been in. And all in one unbroken take? That must have cost a million dollars!
  • The Oner: Averted as an Offscreen Moment of Awesome (see above).
