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Recap / Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Ep 50

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Nearly all of Captain Zahab's crew is dead, and the Earth Demon Beast is now enlarged. As Captain Zahab takes the wheel to control his newly grown beast, the Gingamen must carry out their plan to destroy the monster without leaving any trace of it behind, but the monster's sheer power might make the task harder than expected. Meanwhile, Hyuuga tries to put his training with Bucrates to full use in a bid to destroy Zahab once and for all.

Episode Tropes:

  • Big Damn Heroes: Captain Zahab has Saya, Hayate, Hikaru, and Gouki on the ropes... and then Bokku, Yuuta and Haruhiko suddenly appear to encourage the Gingamen to not give up. As a result, Zahab turns his cannon hand towards them, leaving him unaware of Ryouma and Hyuuga showing up to execute a double Mane of Fire to destroy his Star Soul Jewel, saving the trio of bystanders.
  • Bookends: The first episode had Hyuuga telling Ryouma to believe in himself and his Earth Powers. This episode has Ryouma doing likewise to a wounded Hyuuga.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After struggling so long to fight the Balban, the Gingamen have finally defeated all of Balban and the Earth Demon Beast and their homeland, the Ginga Forest, is restored, allowing them to return home to a hero's welcome. Oh, and Moak is replanted there, allowing him to live again.
  • Heroic RRoD: Ryouma strains himself from using too much of his Earth Power to try and burn the Earth Demon Beast, forcing the other Gingamen and GigaRhinos and GigaPhoenix to back him up.
  • Kill It with Fire: With aid from the other Gingamen, GigaRhinos, and GigaPhoenix, Ryouma uses his fire powers to incinerate the Earth Demon Beast, reducing it to ashes and preventing its remains from corrupting Earth like the Daitanix did.
  • Immediate Sequel: This episode picks up where the last one ended.
  • Killed Off for Real: Captain Zahab is the last of the Balban to bite the dust when he gets finished off by the Gingamen and Hyuuga.
  • Last Villain Stand: With all of his generals and his newly grown Earth Demon Beast dead, Zahab engages the Gingaman one last time, stating that he'll just corrupt Earth again to make another beast after he's done with them.
  • Moving the Goalposts: The Star Soul Jewel inside Captain Zahab is not where Bucrates last left it (the right part of his chest). Instead, it is located in the center of his chest.
  • Re-Power: Hyuuga regains his Earth Power after a passionate speech from Ryouma.
  • So Proud of You: After the Gingamen enter the restored Ginga Forest, their fellow folks applaud them for their success, with Orghi commending them for their well-fought battle.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The theme song starts up when the Gingamen and Hyuuga begin their final battle against Captain Zahab.
  • Wrecked Weapon: Hyuuga's Knight Axe is destroyed by Captain Zahab, but not before the former manages to strike a decent blow at his Star Soul Jewel.

Bokku: I hope we meet again-bokku!
