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Recap / Power Rangers Mystic Force S1E2 Broken Spell Part 2

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  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Nick takes some time to believe in magic, given that he clearly sees people all around him using it all throughout the previous episode.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Clare hears from Udonna how she was someone she'd never give up on. Her response? "Why is it that we are giving up on Nick?"
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: The key component to being able to use magic is, it seems, believing in magic. Nick is unable to use magic because he doesn't believe - even after he's seen others using it (and despite considerable effort 'trying' to believe). He gains the ability to cast spells only after announcing that he really does, after all, believe in magic.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: For starters, Udonna tries to give the Rangers ordinary magic wands, but concedes that wand phones are more in line with contemporary tastes, and transforms them with a spell. (In Magiranger, we never got a good reason for why magic from another dimension was powered by cell phones.)
