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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Charge S1E14 True Black

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The episode opens in the midst of the rangers training in the woods. Chase is testing the new Armor X Charger, and while it works successfully he almost hits Shelby in the process. Shelby is desperate to see a New Zealand based boy band who are touring in the city, a fact that Chase teases her about relentlessly, having a tough time believing a tomboy like her would actually like a cheesy boy band. Up in space, Sledge orders one of his captives, Gold Digger, to go and obtain an Energem. Wrench, Curio and Poisandra accompany him.

As the two groups meet up (sans Ivan who is stuck at the Dino Cafe), the aliens begin their assault, with Gold Digger's explosive trick coins proving a problem for the rangers to dodge. Seeing that Gold Digger is doing so well, Wrench decides to get his game face on and attack the rangers head on, going after Tyler. Wrench proves to be a much stronger adversary this time around, causing Tyler major problems, but Ivan swiftly arrives to defend him. Red and Gold team up to fight Wrench while the others tackle Gold Digger, Curio and Poisandra fleeing after Ivan's arrival.

The fight takes a turn for the worse when Gold Digger reveals his secret power, an impenetrable stone slab that he can summon at will to block any of the rangers' attacks. Seeing the slabs success, he multiplies the slabs and has them rain down on the unsuspecting rangers. While Koda, Riley and Chase are able to evade the slabs, Ivan, Shelby and Tyler get trapped underneath a pile of slabs that buries them alive and causes them to demorph. In desperation, Chase uses the Armor X, but the charger fails and he demorphs. The three retreat to work out what happened and to recharge while Wrench and Gold Digger celebrate their victory.

Back at base, it is revealed that the Energems not only bond with truly altruistic spirits, but are affected by their negative energy that prevents their power from working properly. In essence, the more selfish or negative things a holder does, the less power they have access to. Believing that this will affect the power of the Armor X, which previously was powered by the Black Energem, Kendall makes two additional versions for Riley and Koda using their respective Energems, but notes it may not even work. Keeper tells Chase that he needs to work out what he did wrong to lose the Energem's favor, so to speak, but before he can explain further, Shelby contacts them, saying that the three are almost out of air.

The trio return to the forest and battle Wrench and Gold Digger again, but without half of the team end up on the back foot. When Gold Digger starts using his 'slab rain' attack, Riley and Koda counter with the Armor X chargers, but they malfunction, damaging the two. Chase realises that in his mockery of Shelby's pining over the Kiwi boyband, he inadvertantly hurt her feelings. As she calls one last time, with very little oxygen and the guys already passed out, he apologizes profusely to her for his mistreatment. Reinvigorated, he is able to successfully use the Armor X charger to take down the two aliens and free the trapped rangers. With the power of the Armor X Chase is able to finally take down Gold Digger, and when he inevitably grows, the power of all six rangers is enough to take him out for good.

For his part in failing to recover three Energems, Sledge threatens Wrench with solitary, which completely terrifies the latter. In the Dino Cafe, the rangers are waiting to enter a call to win competition, phones at the ready. Lo and behold, the winner is Chase, who wins a VIP pass to the night's concert for him and his friends.


  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: It appears Gold Digger would prefer prison to being Poisandra's jewelry.
  • The Empath: The Energems appear to be this, being drawn to those souls it considers pure and altruistic, and its power diminishes when in the control of someone with less than altruistic feelings.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Wrench treats solitary confinement as this, (And considering a tentacle shot out and wrap around him with said tentacle being long enough to reach a hallway, Wrench is right to be afraid.)
  • Heads or Tails?: Gold Digger performs this on one of Sledge's guards, who was destroyed because of it (It was a exploding coin.)
  • Pure of Heart: The Energems are attracted to people who display this, but they won't necessarily work properly for the user if they stop being pure. Chase finds this out when he relentlessly mocks Shelby for liking a boy band (a New Zealander one, at that), and later finds that his power-ups don't work because of it.
  • Tranquil Fury: Sledge is surprisingly calm after Gold Digger is destroyed the first time and quietly growls that the Vivix fire the Manga Beams. He then shoves one so hard it slams against the fire button. Later on we realize why - Wrench and Gold Digger had three Energems at their mercy and didn't get them.
