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Recap / Power Rangers Beast Morphers Episode 33 Intruder Alert

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The Rangers must deal with a new enemy from outer space along with a trespasser lurking around Grid Battleforce's facilities.


  • Back from the Dead: Ryjack revives Vargoyle. He also revives some Putties and Vivixs later on.
  • The Bus Came Back: Ryjack resurrects some Vivixs and Putties to serve as his foot soldiers. The latter is especially notable since the last time we saw a Putty was in "Countdown to Destruction" twenty-two years prior.
  • Foreshadowing: Evox tells Ryjack he knows where the Ranger Tech vault is. The reason for this becomes relevant in the finale.
  • Made a Slave: Ryjack revives Vargoyle, but fits him with a control collar, so he must automatically obey every edict Ryjack gives.
  • Mistaken Identity: The Rangers initially mistake Captain Chaku for being Ryjack when they catch him stealing Morph-X.
  • Poor Communication Kills: The Rangers find Chaku stealing Morph-X and assume he's a bad guy. In fairness, he was stealing it, in a series where the villain's plot is all about stealing Morph-X. And yet the Rangers are the ones apologizing.
  • Spanner in the Works: Ryjack. Prior to his arrival, Evox and Scrozzle were stuck in the Crystal Dimension with no minions, Morph-X or methods of leaving for elsewhere. But when Ryjack shows up with a gun that can recreate anything and the means to steal from Grid Battleforce’s supplies easily, the series is allowed to continue.
