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Recap / Petals To The Metal Chapter Six

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"Klarg and our heroes are reunited, but does it feel so good? Let's find out in... The Adventure Zone!"
The Announcer

See here for the main recap page.

Can our heroes secure their hairy compatriot and their arcane objective while not killing everyone in sight? Also, can they go five whole minutes without making a dildo joke? Merle soothes some anger. Magnus sets his axe to stun. Taako reveals his spirit animal.


  • Animal Metaphor: The three heroes receive animal masks from Hurley for the racing tournament, based off Griffin asking his family what animal represents their characters the most.
    • Magnus got a bear mask, for his burly physique and protective nature (like a male Mama Bear instead of a Papa Wolf).
    • Merle got an owl mask, for his general wisdom as The Owl-Knowing One of the group.
    • Taako got a mongoose mask. Similar in appearance to weasels (which fit Taako's mischievous, selfish nature), Taako says he chose the mongoose because they have "specialized acetylcholine receptors that make them impervious to venom, so they're known for killing snakes".
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Taako, who has self-identified as a "simple idiot wizard", gives a surprisingly perceptive answer behind choosing a mongoose mask. This leads into a rant about not being taken seriously by others around him.
  • Shout-Out:
    • When Sloane tells Magnus he's on security and in charge of keeping other races from jumping onto their wagon, she says, "Watch out for the hop-ons. You will get some hop-ons." which was a Running Gag on Arrested Development.
    • When Griffin describes Sloane bringing out a long, thin box, Justin claims it's a cheese pizza and Griffin ribs him back for thinking he's Kevin McAllister.
