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Recap / Panty And Stocking With Garterbelt S 1 E 7

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Tropes in Trans-homers:

  • Aesop Amnesia: Panty and Stocking are at each other's throats once again despite their make-up from back in Catfight Club. This gets lampshaded by Brief.
  • Art Shift: Disregarding the Transformation Sequence, Panty getting screwed is shown in much more detail than the rest of the episode.
  • Feud Episode: Once again, Panty and Stocking are fighting, and they turn into robot leaders during this scuffle of theirs. by the end of the episode, they're still fighting.
  • Lemony Narrator: This episode includes a narrator who becomes baffled by the events that unfold to the point that he asks if he is in the right show, ending with him saying "Who wrote this shit?"
  • Self Botched Catchphrase: Upon changing back to normal, Panty and Stocking bungle over their introduction.
  • Shout-Out: The episode as a whole is Hiroyuki Imaishi and his crew's love letter to the Transformers series. Panty and Stocking even resemble the G1 counterparts of Optimus Prime and Megatron once turned into robots.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Upon killing the ghosts, the church becomes flooded with heaven coins, giving the angels the belief they have more than enough to get back into heaven. Unfortunately, Garter points out the coins are foreign and only compare to a single coin for their heaven. And then a planet resembling Unicron looms over Earth...

Tropes in The Stripping
