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Recap / Murder She Wrote S 4 E 6 It Runs In The Family

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It's the return of Jessica's cousin Emma McGill, who finds herself embroiled in another mystery when an old lover is murdered and Emma's the main suspect. Taking a page from Jessica's book, Emma does some sleuthing of her own and begins to find a connection between this murder and one that took place a few months before.

This episode includes examples of the following tropes:

  • Actor Allusion: Emma sings "Spoon With Me", which Angela Lansbury also sang in the 1946 Film; Till the Clouds Roll By.
  • Continuity Nod: The events of Emma's last appearance, "Sing a Song of Murder", are mentioned when Geoffrey refers to Oliver and Kitty Trumbull.
  • Evil Nephew: Averted, Arthur is the Only Sane Man and Token Good Teammate of the family and the only member of the family that Geoffrey seems to like. His brother Johnny and son Derek are far less likable, but neither is the murderer.
  • Heel Realization: Sybil has one for her obnoxious attitude when she sees how all the years spent treating her daughter-in-law like garbage for her working class background made the woman snap, and thus led to Pauline murdering Sybil's father and then Geoffrey so her husband could become the new Viscount Blackraven. Before bringing a sobbing Pauline back into the mansion, Sybil stops and apologizes to Emma for her horrible behavior.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Pauline is a complete and utter snob to everyone around her, even though she was a working class girl who married into a family with status, and is also usually reminded of this by her somehow less haughty but still horrible mother-in-law Sybil. She treats Emma (Jessica's British cousin) like pond scum and sounds insulted on a personal level at the idea of Emma inheriting anything from her old boyfriend Geoffrey, Pauline's uncle-in-law and the current Viscount Blackraven. In fact, Pauline is so desperate to prove she's better than everyone else that she murdered Geoffrey and his father a month before, so her husband would become the new Viscount Blackraven. She even shot her own son (albeit without trying to kill him) to frame someone else. It all culminates in a horribly depressing Villainous Breakdown when she starts screaming at Sybil about how she has no idea what it's like to be treated like less than nothing for being "a baker's daughter." Pauline's breakdown and sobbing is so bad, it makes Sybil have a Heel Realization for how much of a bitch she's been, and leads her to apologize to Emma for her nastiness.
  • It Runs in the Family: The point of the episode (and the title drop at the end) is that Jessica's identical cousin Emma is also an observant sleuth.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: While she doesn't say anything, the sentiment is clearly etched on Sybil's face as she watches Pauline break down after years of emotional abuse.
  • Only Sane Man: Geoffrey's nephew is the only member of the family who isn't threatened or disgusted by Emma's presence and keeps suggesting to Pauline that they let Geoffrey be happy.
  • Pet the Dog: While Arthur's brother Johnny is fairly unpleasant, his girlfriend mentions that he'd sneak his grandfather chocolates which briefly makes him a suspect for having poisoned the man.
  • The Power of Love: Emma's told that Geoffrey Constable has only a short time left before he dies, but once the two reconnect Geoffrey's health improves exponentially and his doctor no longer believes he's terminal. It's blatantly implied the rekindled relationship between Emma and Geoffrey has given the man a reason to live and a desire to actually want to feel better.
  • Rhetorical Question Blunder: After Arthur denies his son Derek permission to go on a ski trip with a friends and tells him that he won't be paying his bills anymore. When Derek asks what he's supposed to tell his friends, Arthur has a doozy of a comeback.
    Arthur: Tell them to have a nice trip.
  • Slobs Versus Snobs: Most of Geoffrey's family, specifically his sister Sybil and her daughter-in-law Pauline, treat Emma with nothing but contempt and consider her a Gold Digger after some of the family's wealth.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Pauline takes to becoming Viscountess Blackraven like she just became the Queen of England. It's deconstructed when Pauline shows how horribly insecure she is after years of Sybil's abuse and desperately wanted to become Viscountess to prove her mother-in-law wrong.
  • Spoiled Brat: Pauline and Arthur's son Derek. As soon as Arthur becomes viscount, he put his foot down, hoping to rectify this.
  • Tampering with Food and Drink: Geoffrey's killed when he consumes pickled herring that turns out to be poisoned.
  • Token Good Teammate: Only Sane Man Arthur is this to the rest of Geoffrey's relatives. He's in no rush to get his inheritance, has little if any of the others snobbishness (evident in both in his behavior towards Emma and how he married Pauline in the first place) and decides to stop indulging his son after realizing that someday he'll be the new Viscount Blackreaven and that he should learn responsibility. All of this makes it come across as kind of a blessing we don’t have to see him finding out about what his wife did.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Pauline goes through a particularly unpleasant one after she's revealed as the killer of both Geoffrey and Geoffrey's father, the previous Viscount Blackraven. When it's exposed that she shot her own son in an effort to frame someone else as the murderer, Pauline finally snaps at Sybil for all the years Pauline was treated like garbage just because she was "A baker's daughter." She breaks down in tears screaming Sybil has no idea what it's like to be considered "Nothing." It's so bad it makes Sybil realize what an utter bitch she's been.
