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Recap / Mr Robot S 04 E 04

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  • All Just a Dream: Don's liaison with her IRC hook-up.
  • Bottle Episode: The episode as a whole is quite self-contained; Elliot, Tyrell, and Mr. Robot spend most of their time scrambling through the woods, Darlene is stuck chauffeuring a '''very''' drunk Santa Claus, and Dominique is cooped up in her apartment.
  • Deadly Closing Credits: The credits roll as Tyrell bleeds out in the woods.
  • Death Is Dramatic: Tyrell does not simply keel over from his gunshot wound; rather, he casually strolls into the winter fog as Elliot and Mr. Robot look on, and the fog seemingly swallows his diminishing figure.
  • Disappears into Light: How Tyrell's death is presented.
  • The Dying Walk: Tyrell bids farewell to Elliot after getting shot, choosing to die in solitude out in the wilderness.
  • Face Death with Dignity: After getting shot, Tyrell makes no bones about the fact that he is going to die. He instead requests that Elliot follow through with his plan to take down Whiterose once and for all, and walks away.
  • Gainax Ending: Tyrell, slowly dying from a bullet wound, finally comes across the... thing that has been making the eerie noise heard throughout the episode. As Tyrell gazes upon it, it bathes him in blue light, and the screen fades to white. No further explanation. Nothing. Roll credits.
  • MacGuffin: The van. Becomes a Fatal MacGuffin for Tyrell.
  • Not Quite Dead: The Dark Army soldier that Tyrell whacks over the head with a crowbar. He later proves to be alive and lucid enough to make an escape and shoot Tyrell before finishing himself off.
  • One Dialogue, Two Conversations: Played for Laughs. Darlene believes Tobias to be suicidal after he tells her about an accident that befell his wife and he pulls out a bottle of painkillers. Upon getting him home, Darlene expresses concern for the man, who explains that the painkillers are for his wife, who simply fell and injured herself while decorating the house. He in turn expresses concern for Darlene for her morbid interpretation and asks if she is okay.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Darlene gives one to Elliot when she can't reach him and it goes to his voicemail, and it is absolutely brutal, with her basically wishing for him to be dead. She ultimately deletes the recording in lieu of a more calm approach, admitting that she is scared for him.
  • The Unreveal: Whatever is making the howling noises in the woods, and whatever is emanating the eerie, blue light that Tyrell stumbles upon as he bleeds out.
