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Recap / Martha Speaks S 2 E 2 TD The Pack Rat

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Skits observes Helen and Mariella getting rid of some of their clothes, and Danny getting rid of some of his posters. He whines to Martha, and it's revealed that he thinks the Lorraines are moving. Martha goes out to check it out, but it turns out that the Lorraines are only having a yard sale.

Soon, the dogs, Alice, and T.D. join in and try to sell some of their things as well. The Lorraines, Alice, and the dogs make a lot of money, but T.D. doesn't sell anything and in fact buys some things. He takes his new stuff home, but his mother describes it as "rubbish".

He begins doing chores that the people at the sale had him do to earn money, but ends up deciding to keep a mannequin from the Boxwoods, a machine from the Lorraines, a buried toy truck, and more, until his bedroom is so crammed full that his mother can't open his door. She tells him he must throw some of it away and reveals O.G.'s cluttered garage. She then tells him he can only keep what he has if he doesn't bring home anything else.

T.D. thinks this will be easy, but then he sees a shiny rock and wants to keep it to the point where it distracts him at school. Eventually, he gives into temptation and gets the rock. He tells Helen, Martha, and Alice at the cafe, but they don't understand the appeal. He then reveals that he dreamt his things told him not to throw them away, and that he feels sorry for them because only he appreciates them.

T.D. comes home with the rock under his arm, but his mother asks him to help frame a painting, revealing the rock. She points out that with his room that cramped, it would be hard to evacuate in a fire, and tells him to throw away half of it.

He takes it to the dump, where the man in charge reveals that he runs a salvage centre. Then, one of the things T.D. bought (a piece of cloth) is donated to a museum, where it's revealed to have once been the official flag of Wagstaff City.

This episode provides examples of

  • Animate Inanimate Object: In T.D.'s dream, his things come to life and berate him for throwing them away.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Mrs. Kennelly asks T.D. if he bought the junk with his own money, and he replies, "No way — I borrowed money to pay for all this junk!".
  • Big "YES!": When Janice tells T.D. that he can keep what he has, he shouts, "Yes!".
  • Collector of the Strange: T.D. and O.G. collect random, worthless, unrelated pieces of brick-a-brack.
  • Continuity Nod: Helen holds up her shirt from "Martha Gives Advice".
  • Death Glare: Mrs. Kennelly glares at O.G. for being a pack rat like her son.
  • Incredibly Lame Fun: T.D. finds a piece of cloth, a stick covered in Martha's slobber, and a shiny rock cool, and O.G. likes a piece of wire.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong: T.D. thinks not getting any more stuff should be easy, only to immediately find something new.
  • Limited Lyrics Song: The song Mrs. Clusky plays consists of nothing but "rock a rock a rock rock a rock a rock a" over and over again.
  • Living Toys: In T.D.'s dream, his vampire doll is one of the things that comes to life and speaks.
  • Mocking Music: When T.D. is preoccupied with wanting to collect a rock, he finds himself annoyed by a song Mrs. Clusky pays that mentions the word "rock" over and over (albeit meaning rock and roll).
  • The Moving Experience: Downplayed as it's not a whole plot; just a scene — Skits sees the Lorraines (with the exception of Jake) packing things up and thinks they're moving, but they're just having a yard sale.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: When T.D. fills his bedroom, Mrs. Kennelly says, "We! Have! To talk!".
  • Shaped Like Itself: When Mrs. Kennelly says that O.G.'s garage is full of "useless junk", he replies, "When she's right, she's right."
  • Shared Family Quirks: This episode reveals that T.D. and O.G. both like to take random trinkets home with them.
  • Trivial Tragedy: T.D. cries over throwing his things away and dramatically says goodbye to them.
