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Recap / Little Princess S 1 E 12 I Want To Do Magic

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The Princess is in her room, being a magician. She asks the narrator to guess what she's doing, but he doesn't guess right. She shows him her wand and he guesses a fairy, frustrating the Princess. Then, the Queen shows up wanting to go for a walk but the Princess says, "Do I have to?". The Queen says yes, then leaves. The narrator asks why the Princess doesn't want to go for a walk, and the Princess reveals that she's practising for a magic show.

She then reveals that she knows no magic tricks and needs someone to teach her. She goes to the Prime Minister, who shows her a card trick, but the Maid reveals that he did the trick via peeking, which the Princess considers cheating.

She goes to the pond where the Admiral makes a balloon duck. The Princess tries to make a balloon animal herself, but can't. Then, the Queen shows up and says that it's time for their walk, frustrating the Princess. Instead of going for the walk, she walks off to the Gardener in hopes that he can teach her "proper magic". He does the "rabbit in the hat" trick and tries to show the Princess how to do it herself, but she can't do it, so he teaches her how to make the rabbit disappear instead.

This time, through the Gardener swiping the rabbit (and Gilbert disguised as a rabbit) away, it succeeds, and the Princess goes off to show the King. This time, however, it doesn't work, so he suggests more practise. He goes off to get some tea, while she tries again, saying, "Abracadabra, abra ca-day...", but then the Queen comes and the Princess says in annoyance, "Make my mum go away!".

The narrator tells her off for "disappear[ing her] mum", which makes the Princess regret her words. When the King returns with the tea, he makes things worse by saying, "I can't find your mother; she seems to have disappeared." The Maid can't find the Queen either, so the Princess frantically searches.

The narrator asks if she asked everybody, so she goes to ask the Gardener. He tries to console her by saying that it wasn't real magic, but she still cries because he doesn't know where the Queen is. The Queen then shows up and asks the Princess what's wrong. The Princess gleefully hugs the Queen, who reveals that she went for a walk alone due to tiring of waiting. The two discuss the upcoming show, and the Princess decides there will be no disappearing acts since those are "too easy".

This episode provides examples of

  • Alliterative List: The Princess wants to make "ducks and dogs and a dinosaur" out of balloons.
  • Buffy Speak: "Disappear" is used as a transitive verb sometimes, the first instance of which being "Is that why you disappeared your mum?".
  • Idiot Ball: The narrator initially doesn't recognise her in the magician's hat, and when she tells him to guess what her pretend job is, he guesses general, prime minister, and waitress.
  • I Want My Mommy!: The Princess shouts, "I want my mum!" at one point. Justified, since the reason she was unhappy was because she thought she'd made the Queen disappear.
  • Ladies and Germs: The Princess addresses the pets as "ladies and gentlemen, cat and dog!" (even though there are no ladies or gentlemen among them).
  • Oh, Crap!: The Princess's face freezes over when she realises that she may have made the Queen disappear.
  • Pull a Rabbit out of My Hat:
    • The Gardener does this trick, although he cheats a bit because the rabbit was already there. He says, "Abracadabra, abra ca-day, show me a rabbit, today, today" and pulls it out of his hat.
    • Inverted for the trick the Gardener teaches, which is using the hat or crown to make the rabbit disappear.
  • Punny Name: The baker on the Princess's playing card is named Mrs. Bun.
