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Recap / Legion S2E3 "Chapter 11"

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After being in the tank to talk to Farouk, David realizes something has changed in Division 3.


  • Armor-Piercing Question: Cary suggests that Ptonomy may be happier in his maze where he doesn't have to remember anything. David asks him how he'd feel if it were Kerry. Cary says, "You're right, wake him up."
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Lenny would rather die (again) than continue being Farouk's puppet and even puts a gun to her head and pulls the trigger. All that comes out are bubbles.
  • Interactive Fiction: Melanie's maze is basically a giant text-based computer game where occasionally the things being described actually materialize.
  • Spiteful Suicide: The Monk jumps off the roof to spite both David and Farouk.
