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Recap / Legacies S2E13 "You Can't Save Them All"

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In the prison world, Alaric is fighting his former students, when the powered-up Josie saves him from Jade, somehow reactivating her humanity. They find Lizzie, who crashed the car and is hurt. Alaric takes her to the hospital, where Josie absorbs the dark magic inside her, while the reformed Jade talks Alaric through stopping the bleeding thanks to her EMT training. Realizing that some of her memories are missing, Josie casts the Japanese spell to restore the memories of everyone in the prison world. Jade talks to Diego and Wendy and convinces them to stop trying to attack the Saltzmans. Josie tells Alaric that she can siphon the magic of the prison world and open a doorway back to the real world, but someone would have to stay behind to anchor the place. Alaric says that he will stay behind.

Hope has a dream that refers to the Sphinx's prophecy. She assumes that the prophecy talks about Landon being permanently killed by the golden arrow that was stolen from the school's armory. Kai Parker arrives to the school, pretending to be a friend of Alaric's named Joshua. He hypnotizes Dorian to invite him in and tells Hope and Landon that there's a rare plant by the waterfall that can be used to get Alyssa to reveal the Ascendant's location. Hope doesn't trust "Joshua" and uses a risky spell to astral project into the prison world. Josie tells her that Kai has managed to escape, confirming Hope's suspicions. Hope lures Kai to a barn and tries to kill him, starting a fight, only to learn that Kai is merely a distraction. Kai has talked Alyssa into trying to cast a spell that will sever him from the prison world, which would result in that world disappearing, along with everyone inside. He has also compelled Dorian to lead Landon away, where he would be shot with the golden arrow. He tells all this to Hope, letting her know that she can either try to save the Saltzmans or Landon, but not both. Hope chooses to stop Alyssa, telling her that casting the spell would kill the Saltzmans. Not wanting to be a murderer, Alyssa stops. Just then, Josie casts her spell and the prisoners start to appear in the real world. Instead of entering the portal, however, Diego attacks Alaric, stating that he'll never forgive him. Sebastian recovers and saves Alaric, asking him to take care of Lizzie before willingly becoming the prison world's anchor. Everyone save for Sebastian and Diego returns, and Josie appears to be free of the black magic. Meanwhile, Dorian drags Landon to a meeting place under Kai's compulsion, where a hooded figure shoots the golden arrow at Landon. A moment before this happens, however, Dorian invokes Exact Words and turns to shield Landon with his own body, taking the arrow instead. He lays there dying, asking Landon to stay with him rather than try to run for help. Instead, Landon picks him up and flies on his new flaming wings, resulting in Dorian making it to the hospital just in time. Lizzie projects into the prison world, which is collapsing thanks to the spell, and tells Sebastian to go to Georgia and jump into Malivore, but he makes it clear that he has no intention of trying to save his own life. Josie is revealed to still be full of dark magic.

MG, Kaleb, and Jed are sent to look for the items stolen from the school's armory. They find the Necromancer's zombie and attack it next to a camper. MG enters the camper and finds a tied-up Rafael inside. He says that he doesn't know how he ended up there.

The Necromancer dissolves his partnership with Kai moments before Alaric arrives with a big sword and decapitates Kai.

  • And This Is for...: Alaric tells Kai "this is for Jo" before decapitating him.
  • Badass Normal: Alaric once again shows just how badass he is when he is able to take on Diego and Wendy.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Kai Parker is working with the Necromancer. Except Kai has no intention of keeping up his end of the bargain, which is to bring back either Josie or the Mora Miserium. In the end, the Necromancer abandons him to Alaric's vengeance.
  • Black Eyes of Evil: Josie occasionally shows this after absorbing the Mora Miserium's dark magic, usually accompanied by the Voice of the Legion. Lizzie also starts to show this due to their connection, at least until Josie sucks the dark magic out of her.
  • Call-Back: To The Vampire Diaries, when Jade tells Alaric to use the Laughlin clamp on Lizzie's torn blood vessel. She's about to describe what it looks like when Alaric cuts her off, saying that he knows and that it was Lizzie's mom who invented it.
  • Exact Words: Kai compels Dorian to take Landon into the woods and hold him while a hodded figure shoots the golden arrow into him. Dorian is fully aware that he's being compelled, but he can't stop it. But a moment before the arrow is loosed, he realizes that he wasn't told that Landon had to be in the arrow's path, so he turns to shield him and takes the arrow instead.
  • Fur Against Fang: Jed is being an ass to Kaleb and MG, and MG initially assumes it's due to some ancient feud between vampires and werewolves. However, Kaleb explains that the hostility is because of Alyssa (see Love Triangle below).
  • Heel–Face Turn: Josie uses her newfound powers to give Jade her humanity back, resulting in Jade feeling remorse for everything bad she's done over the last 10 years. She uses her EMT training to help Alaric save Lizzie, although she has to talk him through it since she can't be near blood.
  • Here We Go Again!: As soon as Alaric realizes that someone named Kai is missing from their memories, he sits down and tells Jade to do the same, knowing that Josie is about to cast the Japanese spell that will restore their memories but results in temporary unconsciousness.
  • Hot Wings: This turns out to be how Landon flies.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Sebastian knows that he can't be with Lizzie, so he chooses to stay behind in the prison world forever and asks Alaric to keep her safe.
  • Love Triangle: Both Jed and Kaleb are into Alyssa, and both are upset that Alyssa is into MG.
  • Must Be Invited: Since Kai Parker is a vampire, he can't enter the school without being invited. But nothing is stopping him from hypnotizing Dorian into inviting him in.
  • Off with His Head!: At the end of the episode, Alaric decapitates Kai with a big sword.
  • Redemption Rejection: Diego refuses the chance to return to the real world and attacks Alaric during the spell. Luckily, Sebastian is there to stop him, and he reminds Alaric of himself falling into this trope earlier. Averted with Jade and Wendy, who are willing to return to the real world and atone for what they've done.
  • Ret-Gone: No one in the prison world remembers Kai Parker after his jump into Malivore, but after Josie realizes there's someone missing, she casts the Japanese spell again, restoring the memories of everyone in the prison world. It seems that this isn't true for everyone not in the prison world, though, as Hope still knows about Kai and suspects that "Joshua" is really him.
  • Sadistic Choice: Kai convinces Alyssa to cast a spell that will sever his connection to the prison world, which will destroy that world and everyone still inside it. At the same time, he has hypnotizes Dorian into leading Landon away, where he would be faced with the golden arrow that may or may not cause him to die permanently. He tells all this to Hope, letting her know that she can either save the Saltzmans or her boyfriend, followed by the Title Drop. Hope ends up going with The Needs of the Many and stops Alyssa, trusting Landon to save himself. Afterwards, Landon tells her that she made the right choice.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": The Necromancer really hates it when people forget the article in front of his name.
    Kai Parker: Look, Mr. Necromancer-
    The Necromancer: (shouts) THE Necromancer... (sighs) The.
  • Title Drop: Spoken by Kai to Hope after telling her about the Sadistic Choice (see above).
  • Voice of the Legion: Josie occasionally switches it on along with Black Eyes of Evil.
  • Wham Shot: The final shot reveals that Josie is still full of dark magic, just hiding it from everyone else. Except the Necromancer already knows.
