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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S5 E23 "Bound"

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Recaps are Spoilers Off. All spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Written By Barbie Kligman

Directed By Constantine Makris

When an elderly woman is strangled to death, the detectives follow the clues to a series of murders that involve the same home-nursing company and to the nursing home's owner and his sister, both of whom have the necessary medical degrees to commit the murders.


  • Asshole Victim: Matt Spevak defrauded at least three deceased elderly women of their inheritance and used their money pay off his gambling debts.
  • Cain and Abel: Emma feels underappreciated in comparison to Matt and grows resentful of him, eventually killing him.
  • Freudian Excuse: Emma kills several old women because her mother always treated her brother better than her.
  • Heir Club for Men: Matt and Emma's mother seems to have been a huge believer in this, given that she lavished Matt with attention and severely neglected Emma.
  • It's Personal: The arraignment judge is not particularly sympathetic towards Matt when the latter's lawyer tries to butter him up, since he has an elderly mother.
  • Jerkass Façade: Elliot pretends to be a sexist, misogynistic bastard around Olivia and Emma to get her to open up about her crimes.
  • Obvious Villain, Secret Villain: Matt is the obvious villain, as a gambler and fraudster who defrauded old women to feed his gambling addiction. Emma is the secret villain.
  • Oh, Crap!: Played for Laughs. Casey is clearly nervous when she realizes that she's interrupted a poker game attended by several of the recurring judges.
  • Serial Killer: Emma kills old ladies as replacements for her mother. Besides murdering her own mother, Emma confesses to Olivia that she has killed dozens of elderly women while she was in nursing school.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: The judges have some fun when Novak interrupts their poker game for an exhumation warrant.
    Better sign it. Corpse might be a flight risk.
  • The Unfavorite: Emma was this to her mother first with the home movie showing her getting no attention compared to her brother and even when she was her caregiver she gave all her money to Matt to put him through med school.
