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Recap / Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous - S3E03 "Casa De Kenji"

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The gang head to a penthouse on the island belonging to Kenji’s father, however it soon proves to be unsafe when a pack of dinosaurs suddenly invade the building.

  • Absurdly Long Stairway: Since the power's out, the elevator isn't working, so the campers have to climb many… many flights of stairs to reach the top of the building with the penthouse.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: The Monolophosaurus use them to sneak into the building and get up to Kenji's penthouse. Later, the campers use them to evade the same dinosaurs.
  • The Cavalry: Twice, in rapid succession. As Kenji, Brooklynn, and Darius sprint out the front door, with the Monolophosaurus in hot pursuit, Yaz, Ben, and Sammy drive out of the garage in a limo and haul them inside. When it looks like the dinosaurs might catch up anyway, Bumpy arrives and knocks the theropods flying before running after the campers.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Kenji's penthouse had been suggested as a possible shelter as far back as the start of the previous season, but had been dismissed since his father had apparently changed the locks. Since then, the campers had been reasonably comfortable in their own base, and never quite put together that Brooklynn’s opens-everything-on-the-island key card might work on the penthouse.
  • Closest Thing We Got: The campers can’t find the GPS Kenji claims is in the penthouse, and get chased out by the Monolophosaurus before they can search the place exhaustively. Brooklynn grabs a compass and decides it’ll do in a pinch.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: Kenji’s Penthouse is made of this. A tall, narrow building of metal and glass in the middle of a tropical jungle, several limos in the garage, a solid gold statue of a Sinoceratops head in the Penthouse itself, multiple photos of Kenji’s dad in high-profile places around the world (including the White House), water bottles from an exclusive European spring filtered through diamonds, million-dollar modern art pieces… even the bags of snack food are imported.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Kenji's Penthouse - or "The P-House".
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Bumpy starts making lots of noise outside the building when the Monolophosaurus slip in, alerting the campers to danger.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: The Monolophosaurus are initially shown in passing as the campers pass them on Segways without any trouble. They become a serious problem later in the episode as they begin hunting the campers.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Kenji ends up using a small modern art piece to knock one Monolophosaurus out cold from behind.
  • Jump Scare: While going through the ventilation shafts, Sammy comes across a T-junction. Poking her head through, she looks to the right, sees a dead end with a vent a few feet away, looks to the left… and sees a Monolophosaurus right there, lunging at her.
  • Out-of-Character Alert: The Monolophosaurus are apparently usually shy, solitary carnivores living deep in the jungle. Their sudden aggressive pack-hunting behavior is very unusual, another hint (after the aggressive Ouranosaurus herd in the previous episode) that something very bad is happening on Isla Nublar.
  • Remember the New Guy?: The Monolophosaurus are treated as just another of Jurassic World’s publicly-known dinosaurs, though they’ve never been seen or mentioned in any previous episode or film in the series.
