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Recap / It Feels More Like A Memory Chapter 28 Every Action

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"every action" contains examples of:

  • all lowercase letters: Like every other chapter title of this fic, this chapter's title is in all lowercase letters.
  • Character Filibuster: Aaron reproduces a two-hour Princeton lecture for James Madison word-for-word, which includes him speaking for two hours.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Following the convention of naming every chapter title after a Hamilton lyric, this chapter takes its title from the lyric “Every action has its equal opposite reaction” from "Washington On Your Side" and/or "The Election of 1800," and possibly from "Every action's an act of creation" from "My Shot." However, it's most likely a reference to "Every action has its equal opposite reaction." This chapter is in the timeline where Thomas Jefferson, who said that line in the musical both times it shows up, is a major character; and in this timeline Aaron and Benjamin Franklin experiment with his Seer powers. Franklin is a major figure in physics, and "Every action has its equal opposite reaction" is a description of Newton's Third Law of Motion.
  • Mundane Utility: Aaron uses his memories from previous lifetimes to help him skip class. His academic achievement is exceptional to the point where the president of a college that, at the time, emphasized discipline, turns a blind eye to his skipping class. It's a lot easier to reach that level of academic achievement when you already know the things being taught because you already attended Princeton during the same years, hearing the same material, in the last two lifetimes, and can lift phrases from things you read that aren't out yet in this lifetime to produce amazing essays.
    Madison: You have the power to see the future and you’ve been using it to skip class all this time?
  • Plagiarism in Fiction: Aaron "steals lines from particularly clever things that weren’t his but have not been written yet so no one else should know the better."
  • Playing Sick: Aaron considers doing this to skip even more classes than he already does.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: James uses "what can be described as nothing other than puppy-dog eyes" on Aaron until he agrees to stop skipping class so much.
