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Recap / How I Met Your Mother (And How I Met Your Father) Despair Arc Chapter Seven: Junko’s Second Bonding Exercise!

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Despair Arc Chapter Seven: Junko’s Second Bonding Exercise!

Original Release: September 21, 2020 (, September 22, 2020 (AO3)


To apologize for how her original Bonding Exercise caused Makoto and Sayaka to have a breakdown, Junko proposes a second one. Will the class agree?


  • Call-Forward: Junko suggests that everyone share their secrets as another bonding exercise, which would be used as the second motive for the Killing Game.
  • Friendship Moment: When Junko tries to pry another secret out of Chihiro, despite everyone already knowing his biggest secret of being a Wholesome Crossdresser, Mondo and Makoto get Junko to stop messing with him.
    Junko: Alright Chihiro, what’s your secret?
    Chihiro: Well…my only real secret is that I’m a boy, and you guys already know that, so…
    Junko: Aww, come on, you must have some other secret to share! So…
    Makoto: Junko, stop it! Chihiro shared with us an extremely painful secret; it would be extremely distasteful of us to ask him to dig up more of them!
    Mondo: Makoto’s right! We agreed to this fuckin’ exercise to bond as a class, not to humiliate ourselves for your amusement, Junko! So give Chihiro a free pass, okay?!
    Chihiro: Makoto… Mondo… Thank you…
  • Internal Reveal: While everyone's revealing their secrets to each other, some of these secrets (Mondo's, Celeste's, Chihiro's, Toko's, and Makoto's) should already be known to those whose played the first game.
  • Open Secret: When Celeste reveals that "Celestia Ludenberg" wasn't her real name, no one's really surprised about it.
  • Pet the Dog: When Aoi becomes sad while talking about her previous weight issues, Byakuya (in his own way) gives her some reassurance.
    Byakuya: Hmph, that’s your embarrassing secret? How plebian…
    Aoi: What did you say, you jerk?
    Byakuya: Obesity is a such a common fear among the 99% that it’s not even worth worrying about in here. And obviously your training regimen has worked, so clearly you’ve been more successful at beating it than most commoners…
    Aoi: O…oh…
  • The Reveal: Outside of Chihiro and Toko, who's secrets are already known to everyone, everyone else reveal their secrets:
