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Recap / Friends S 2 E 18 The One Where Dr Ramoray Dies

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Joey loses his job because his character dies on the show. Chandler discovers that his new roommate Eddie is crazy. Monica and Rachel have discussions with their respective boyfriends about their sexual history.


  • Actor Allusion: Ross asks Richard if he was a Vietnam vet, referring to Tom Selleck's best known role, Magnum, P.I.
  • Actor Leaves, Character Dies: In-Universe, Dr. Drake Ramoray is Killed Off for Real after Joey brags on an interview that he rewrites many of his lines.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • A subtle one, but the fact Monica and Rachel were fighting over a condom implies Monica didn't leave her diaphragm at Richard's place.
    • When listing her previous sexual partners Rachel lists Barry and Paolo along with Billy Dreskin, the guy Monica told Rachel's father about in "TOW Two Parts, Part Two", and Pete Carney, a.k.a. "Pete the Weeper" who she talked about in "TOW The Candy Hearts".
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Eddie arrives just as his ex was talking to Chandler and dropping off Eddie’s empty fish tank. As soon as she leaves, Eddie accuses Chandler of sleeping with her, as well as killing off the fish that was in the tank.
  • Death by Irony: Joey says that the episode went on to say that Drake was the only one who could've possibly fixed the damage to the brain. He lampshades how it was supposed to be bitterly ironic, not that he quite gets or appreciates it.
  • Elevator Failure: Joey's character is killed off by stepping into an empty elevator shaft.
  • Friendship Moment: The second they see Drake's death scene, the other friends rush over to Joey's apartment to comfort him.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: During the end credits Richard and Ross meet in the living room as they're both making runs to the bathroom for condoms and dressed in the girls' robes. After trying to make small talk for a second Richard makes this suggestion to which Ross quickly agrees.
  • Mondegreen Gag: Chandler makes fun of an ex who "thought Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia", seemingly never having realized he misheard "Phnom Penh".
  • Really Gets Around: Phoebe says that she likes Richard out of all the guys that Monica has been with. Richard really wants to know what the exact total is, much to Monica's displeasure. We don't actually get the number but according to Richard it's not actually that many.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: Monica and Rachel end up using this method to decide which couple gets to use the last condom. Rachel wins, much to Richard's frustration.
  • Shout-Out:
