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Recap / Disenchantment - S3 E5: "Freak Out!"

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Bean flees when she discovers more about Alva's intentions, and as his lightbulb-headed robots chase her through Steamland, she searches for Elfo.


  • Big Blackout: Bean causes one when she uses magic lightning against the robots.
  • Brick Joke: Via Freeze-Frame Bonus, it's possible to see the display for Elfo's exhibit first proclaiming part of the sight is his giant water bottle, then it changes to saying the bottle is broken. Eventually Elfo yells at P.T. that it's not broken, he's just too much of a cheap bastard to bother refilling it.
  • Catchphrase: P.T. tries to force Elfo to do his usual one. He refuses, until he's forced into doing so.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: One of the freak exhibits is a "wild man of Bentwood". He'll be important a few episodes later.
  • Exact Eavesdropping: Bean discovers where Elfo is by being fortunate enough to hear the exact conversion involving a trade deal for him between P.T. and a hunter member of the adventurer's club where Elfo had been captured earlier.
  • Fortune Teller: P.T.'s freak show features one. Supposedly, she is only a head kept alive by machinery, and she predicts the future with help of Tarot Cards. At the end of the episode however, it's revealed she does have the rest of her body, and was just sitting inside the machine. How much of her fortune telling is genuine is up for debate, though we do see one prediction coming true.
  • Foreshadowing: Quite appropriately, when Edith reads Elfo’s future. One of the first cards drawn is the "Decapitation". And although it’s part of a long series of D-words cards announcing undecided disasters if she and Elfo stay together, Edith implies that she feels a literal decapitation in Elfo’s future that will happen anyway, even telling him in this case this is "your future" - and not "our" future contrary to the other D-words cards. Luci will die by the end of the season, accidentally beheaded while intending to protect Bean.
  • Funny Background Event: There is a Shapeshifter in the freakshow behind Elfo that appears as something different every time we see it.
  • Great Escape: With Bean's help, the performers escape from P.T.'s freak show.
  • Hates Baths: Luci desperately tries to escape as Turbish bathes him.
  • Hint Dropping: The explorer with a crush on Bean tries dropping several, finally getting fed up and going to the gentleman's club for a drink, mainly because Bean hasn't offered.
  • Losing a Shoe in the Struggle: Bean loses a shoe when she grabs onto a blimp to escape the robots. She spend the rest of the episode with one bare foot.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Scruffles the talking cat sounds like Art Carney.
  • Shout-Out: One of the rides at the carnival is based on A Trip to the Moon.
  • Slow Electricity: When Bean shorts out Steamland, the lights in the city go out in blocks over the course of several seconds.
  • Talking Animal: When Zøg takes Luci for a walk, they come across an actual talking cat. Luci quickly forces this cat to take his place to be rid of Zøg.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Played with; P.T. put his own teenage son on display at his freak show, since he considers puberty a horror to humanity.
  • Title Drop: Edith breaks off the potential for a relationship between her and Elfo when she lays down a bunch of cards involving negative words starting with the letter D as Elfo despondently recites them. One of them is "Disenchantment".
  • Wham Episode: Bean uses magic for the first time under a stress-induced situation, shorting out all of Steamland before Alva's office lights back up.
    Bean: That can't be good.
