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Recap / Daria S 4 E 12

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Jake accidentally starts a kitchen fire, so the Morgendorffers have to stay at a hotel for a few weeks while the house is repaired. However, because the idea of sharing a room with Quinn is too nightmarish to contemplate, Daria decides to move in to the Lane household. Unfortunately things are turning rocky between Jane and Tom and she starts to suspect something's going on with Daria and Tom.

Meanwhile, Helen and Jake are loving hotel life and are feeling more relaxed than they've felt in years while Quinn has to figure out if a cute bellhop is actually stalking her.


  • Accidental Truth: Out of jealousy, Sandi gets Quinn to start thinking Bobby is really stalking her. Turned out Sandi was right.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: When Daria and Tom were at odds, Jane earnestly wanted them to get along. Just not this well.
  • Brief Accent Imitation: Quinn has an amusing go at Sandi's monotone delivery.
  • Call-Back: Jane mentions her older brother Wind, and his emotional problems, as seen back in "Lane Miserables."
  • Comically Missing the Point: After the police tells the Morgendorffers that Bobby was charging their credit card for all the expensive stuff he was giving Quinn "for free" and would later hack into the hotel's database to delete the charges, Quinn only gets disgusted because she almost dated a computer geek.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: Jane accuses Daria (who is staying at the Lane home) of intercepting Tom on his way to see Jane because, due to the house's layout, he could not have just stopped by Daria's room unless he had gone out of his way to do so. Only then does it dawn on her that he might have done just that.
  • Hyper-Awareness: Trent was the only one who realized first that Tom and Daria were starting to have feelings for each other, even before themselves.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Helen doesn't let Jake forget that he nearly burned their house down, and is quite callous about.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: During the ride home at the end, the Morgendorfers start arguing over Daria staying at Jane's without permission, Jake's driving and nearly burning their kitchen down. Daria, still quelling over her potential feelings for Tom, doesn't interject with any of her usual snark and Jake is the first to notice Daria isn't responding at all.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: It's obvious Sandi is only implying Bobby is stalking Quinn because she's jealous of the attention Quinn's getting, but it turns out he was stalking her.
  • Stalker with a Crush: It turns out Bobby is indeed one of these despite Sandi only planting the idea in Quinn's head to mess with her. Throughout the episode he would give Quinn free food and beverages, later upgrading her to a more lavish suite, and claim his supposed uncle the hotel manager said it was okay. Two hotel detectives later call the Morgendorffers in and reveal the manager's not Bobby's uncle, and he was charging everything he gave Quinn to Helen and Jake's credit cards before deleting the purchases from the hotel database to cover his tracks.
  • Straight Man: Jane only realizes that she was being irrational and jealous after Trent points out that Tom didn't stand her up on purpose, but he still notices that things between Tom and Jane were not going well.
  • Suppressed Rage: Angry over her relationship with Tom, Jane takes it out during art class by stabbing and tearing her canvas with a paintbrush. Ms. Defoe tries to calm Jane's anger, but to no avail.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: Helen and Jake manage to do some real unwinding at the hotel and it's shown to be a genuine improvement to both their temperaments and their relationship. All that vanishes the moment the hotel detectives call them about Quinn.
