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Recap / Criminal Case The Conspiracy Spring Fields District

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Just a quiet night on the farm.

Spring Fields is the eighth district investigated in Criminal Case: The Conspiracy.

A farming community for Grimsborough, it is home to AgriMeadows, an elite agribusiness company. Of course, the Grimsborough PD isn't here for farming, as they are hot on the trail of "Fornax", a member of Ad Astra with sinister plans on using Protozane... but how?

    Cases Set in Spring Fields 
  1. Fields of Murder: A Deputy Sheriff is shot in the chest besides a burning cornfield.
  2. A Crime Like No Udder: A cheesemaker's skull is broken at a cattle farm.
  3. A Pointy End: An agribusiness employee is poisoned at the business' headquarters.
  4. Like A Pig to the Slaughter: A sheriff is cut up and left in a pig trough.
  5. In Vino Veritas: A socialite is drowned in a wine barrel at a villa.
  6. To Kingdom Come: A police officer is killed with a car bomb at the police precinct.


  • A Death in the Limelight: Mia gets a lot of focus in the arc since it's her home district, only to end up as the arc's final victim.
  • Down on the Farm: The district's main setting. This arc focuses on what "Fornax" is up to in Spring Fields, as well as who set the cornfields on fire and why.
