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Recap / Criminal Case Supernatural Investigations Case 24 Scarab To Death

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The Supernatural Hunters head to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. to find the Eye of Sparron in order to decipher the inscription on Rathimael's ring, but are informed that a student died at an nearby Native American archeological dig. Posing as FBI agents yet again, they find Dan Quang's lifeless body, with a blackened arm.


  • Accidental Murder: Okay, how was Theresa supposed to know that the amulet she threw at Dan had an actual and quite deadly curse on it?
  • Chummy Mummy: Pharaoh Sephtah VI is willing to talk, and even said somebody (AKA: Dan) opened up his sarcophagus, waking him up from his eternal peace... Sort of downplayed, as he's in a sour mood after Dan also had the audacity to also take his amulet, which happens to be the one that killed him in the first place.
  • The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right: Theresa learned the hard way curses are very real when she threw the amulet to Dan, who caught it without a glove.
  • Cursed Item: An amulet with a rather lethal curse on it was what killed Dan.
  • Death by Irony: Dan was killed by the very amulet he took from the sarcophagus of Pharaoh Sephtah VI, even though it was accidental in this case. Also, his killer didn't believe in curses to make it more ironic.
  • The Insomniac: One of the killer's traits is that they have insomnia after medications for said condition were found on Dan.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Besides a minor cameo in "No Leg to Stand on", this is the only time we get to see Dan by himself, but dead obviously.
