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Recap / Corner Gas S 6 E 01 Full Load

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A Plot: Lacey reluctantly enters, and wins, a pierogi eating contest that Brent wasn't allowed to enter due to his supposedly unmmatched skill. Brent teases Lacey until she turns it around, claiming she could best him but intentionally avoiding the challenge. Brent finally gets her to agree to a one-on-one contest, so Lacey doubles down her efforts to fill him up before it goes down. In the meantime, Davis laments the lack of appreciation for his pierogi preparation prowess.

B Plot: Brent gives his old mp3 player to Emma and shows her how to use it. Despite some early mishaps, she becomes enamored with the device. Karen, however, is unimpressed with Emma's song choices and decides to update her music collection. Oscar also realizes that Emma having music in her ears all the time means he can get away with anything, but it turns out to not be as great as he thinks.

C Plot: After Karen accidentally sells Hank's impounded truck to Wanda at a police auction, Wanda constantly rubs it in Hank's face. Karen eventually gets so fed up with Wanda's taunting that she helps Hank get even.

Tropes referenced:

  • Acronym Confusion:
    Brent: "mp3". It stands for "Music Playing... three".
  • Auction: Karen gets confused while running a police auction, losing her place and forgetting the order of the items. This is how she ends up selling Hank's truck when it wasn't supposed to be on the auction block.
  • Big Eater: though Lacey is no slouch, Brent proves himself to be the ultimate king. He eats an entire bowl of pierogies in under five seconds, and says it isn't his best time. He only took so long because Lacey fed him a big plate of chili cheese dogs before their eat-off in an attempt to fill him up.
  • Captain Obvious: Davis pulls Hank over for having a broken taillight. He says he'll follow as Hank drives his truck to the police station to be impounded. Hank agrees, but says, "Hey. Don't rear-end me. My taillight's broke."
  • Comically Missing the Point: Karen suggests Hank and Wanda can easily settle their dispute if they just swap keys. Hank asks who gets the cop car.
  • Description Cut: When Wanda asks Karen how she got her car keys, Karen says "I'm a cop, I have my ways", implying some sort of sneaky investigative work. Cut to Karen simply going to Corner Gas and asking Brent for her keys, who hands them over no questions asked (and even offers her wallet as well).
  • Department of Redundancy Department: When Lacey pretends she's going to throw out an entire tray of chili dogs in order to trick Brent into eating them, she claims she "accidentally made them, by accident".
  • Eating Contest
  • Escalating War: After Wanda and Hank have essentially switched vehicles, they tease each other with increasingly horrible things they plan to do with them, like Wanda hanging an air freshener of a man in a g-string or Hank threatening to haul manure in the back seat.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: Emma is so wrapped up in her mp3 player she fails to notice Oscar cheating on his diet. Oscar thinks it's great at first, but by the end he's pleading with her to stop him.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Wanda hits Hank with a string of "walking" puns after she takes away his only means of transportation.
    Wanda: Maybe you could enter a Walk-a-thon, Christopher Walken. "Joaquin" note  Phoenix. Johnny Walker.
  • Inflationary Dialogue:
    Davis: You didn't fix your broken taillight. I've told you like a thousand times.
    Hank: Exaggeration! Maybe ten times.
    Davis: More like ten million times.
  • Ironic Echo:
    • First, the setup:
      Lacey: That is so gross! There is no way I'm doing that! People shoving huge gobs of dough in their faces as fast as they can, butter running down their chin, sour cream in their eyebrows.
      Brent: I have never been more attracted to you than I am right now.
    • Then, when Brent finishes his pierogies super fast and asks Lacey for her leftovers:
      Lacey: I have never been less attracted to you than I am right now.
  • Is That a Threat?:
    Davis: Such a lovely kitchen. Would be a shame if something should happen to it.
    Fitzy's Grandma: Are you trying to intimidate me?
    Davis: Yeah! Is it workin'?
    Fitzy's Grandma: Not really, no.
  • Mondegreen Gag: Emma refers to the mp3 player as an "empty tree player" and later calls it an "MBP player" and "MD2 player". Brent mocks her inability to get its name right by asking her how she's enjoying the "RQ5 player".
  • Shout-Out: Several in Wanda's Hurricane of Puns above.
  • Super-Senses: Despite eating the pierogies in under five seconds, Brent can still detect specific tastes, such as Davis using a hint of tarragon in the butter.
  • Supreme Chef: Davis is apparently an ace at making pierogies, though he's saddened that Lacey didn't enjoy his attention to detail.
    Lacey: It was an eating contest! What did you think was gonna happen?
  • Technologically Blind Elders: Not only does Emma confuse the name (see Mondegreen Gag above), she also has no idea how an mp3 player works. She thinks it has to be connected to a radio or you have to sign up for a record club. This exasperates Brent.
    Brent: This is harder than it should be, and yet not harder than I expected.
  • That Came Out Wrong:
    • Talking about the eating contest:
    Brent: No one will enter if I enter, so I entered you.
    Lacey: You entered me?
    Brent: We should probably change verbs before this gets weird.
    • And later:
    Brent: Okay, you and me, any time, any place.
    Lacey: Wow, aren't you a smooth talker?
    Brent: [clarifying] Eating contest.
  • Totally Radical: Brent's description of the music Karen puts on the mp3 player comes across this way. Then when Emma starts talking similarly, Karen realizes she's made a huge mistake.
  • Trash Talk: Lacey is totally uninterested in the eating contest until a fellow contestant won't stop taunting her. Then she goes all in.
