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Recap / Corner Gas Animated S 4 E 3 Snake And Eggs

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A Plot: When Oscar spots a venomous cobra in his backyard, he’s put on his guard, though everyone else thinks he’s crying "snake" – especially Emma, who has a little fun with his paranoia.

B Plot: Hank discovers a bird’s nest on the roof between Corner Gas and The Ruby and sets up a camera so everyone in town can watch the baby birds hatch. They’re in for a surprise when the eggs are not what they seem.

C Plot: Karen and Davis are excited to do some actual police work – there’s an escaped convict on the loose and Karen can’t wait to finally be involved in some bona-fide crime-fighting.

  • Accidental Pervert: As seen at the end of the trailer, Davis and Karen are accused of being "nymphos" when their hunt for a criminal has them watching Helen clean her underwear.
  • Cassandra Truth: Oscar spends the episode rattled over seeing a cobra in the garden, which Emma and Wanda mock because one living there is impossible. Then, at the end of the episode, they learn there really is a live cobra there that escaped from a transport truck.
  • The Cameo: Steven Page of Barenaked Ladies plays the role of a zookeeper appearing in The Tag to take the cobra back where it belongs... after a quick meal at The Ruby.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When Karen first hears the report on the escape convict from Davis, who decided to try memorizing the email instead of carry his laptop around, he says the convict is slim, aggressive, and has a green hood. When he repeats it later and adds in retractable fangs, Karen realizes they're actually looking for a cobra.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Like many of the animated series’ guest stars, Steven Page’s character is essentially a caricature of himself. In an interview between Steve and Brent Butt, Brent noted that Steve’s character is one of the only male characters besides his own that has visible lips.
  • Maintain the Lie: During the Sustained Misunderstanding, Lacey and Brent decide to "take pity" on Hank after he "mistook" golf balls for eggs by replacing the balls with chicken eggs from a carton. This ends up backfiring when Hank, upset at being ridiculed behind his back, tries to "prove" he knew the truth by hitting them with a golf club.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Brent and Lacey discuss that maybe they should have just talked with Hank about the nest and his "mistake" after Hank hits the eggs they placed there with with a golf club. He completely freaks out while covering the aghast townsfolk below in yolk,.
  • Snowball Lie: While setting up the camera, Hank realizes that the "eggs" are actually some golf balls. However, Lacey and Brent are already discussing how profitable the event will be for their businesses, so Hank tries to keep the truth a secret (though he does vent to Wanda), even altering the camera's settings so the "eggs" can't be seen clearly. Then the rest of the town gets so invested that they take Wanda ordering an omelet as an insult. So by the time the townsfolk realize the truth, the only reason it leads to a Sustained Misunderstanding is because Hank isn't aware they know and is too worried about how they'll react when they find out.
  • Sustained Misunderstanding: When the people watching the "egg" feed realize the truth, they assume it's Hank that's too stupid to tell the difference, and try making a bet with Brent and Lacey over how long it'll take him to realize the truth. However, Hank's only still calling them eggs because he thinks Brent and Lacey still don't know. Complicating things further, by the time Brent and Lacey decide to help Maintain the Lie to prevent Hank from being hurt, Wanda's now told Hank that everyone (including Brent and Lacey) knows his mistake and were betting on his idiocy, so he takes a golf club to the eggs to settle the matter...
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: It turns out Davis misread the email about an escaped convict, and they're actually supposed to track an escaped cobra, connecting the A and C plots.
