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Recap / Camp Lazlo S 1 E 13 The Big Cheese Campers All Pull Pants

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Air date: September 16, 2005

"The Big Cheese": Raj gets a special type of cheese that Lumpus seeks to take for himself.

"Campers All Pull Pants": Edward is pulling everyone's pants down so Lazlo tries to stay safe.

"The Big Cheese" contains examples of:

  • All for Nothing: Lumpus eats Norwegian bloat fish, mocks Hoo-Ha on the phone, and steals the latter's vehicle for a crazy joyride due to the belief of his coming death. Lumpus does not take it well after realizing that the cheese was from China and that he's perfectly fine after all, meaning that all his actions were for naught as he's hauled away by the police.
  • Bland-Name Product: A box of crackers that reads "Fitz" is used by Scoutmaster Lumpus to complement the cheese. This is a parody of the real-world Ritz crackers.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Lazlo tells Lumpus to try to live his remaining life to the fullest. Lumpus being Lumpus, takes this advice to mean do whatever he wants since he won’t be around to face the consequences.
  • Exact Time to Failure: Raj says that anyone who eats the cheese will disintegrate in exactly 13 minutes. Scoutmaster Lumpus, naturally, eats the cheese.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Lumpus secretly steals the cheese from the Jelly Scouts so he can eat it, and when Raj finds out and informs him of the poisonous side effects of the cheese, Lumpus ends up believing that he's dying. All his attempts at living life to the fullest lead to him getting arrested from the joyride after realizing that the cheese was made in China and swelling up from the bloat fish.
  • The Last Dance: Since he believes he’s dying, Lumpus decides to go out with a bang, going for a joyride and insulting Commander Hoo-Ha.
  • Mistaken for Dying: Lumpus thinks he's dying after he eats the cheese, so he resolves to do all the things in his life he cannot normally do without serious consequences, such as eating food he's highly allergic to and mocking Commander Hoo-Ha.
  • Plot Allergy: Lumpus eats Norwegian bloat fish, which he is highly allergic to. It causes him to swell up and...well, we don't see what happens afterwards, but judging from Lazlo, Raj, Clam, and Commander Hoo-Ha's reaction, it's not pretty.
  • Scary Stinging Swarm: Scoutmaster Lumpus attempts to steal the cheese wheel by picking it up with his buttocks. Somehow he accidentally picks up a bee hive instead. Hilarity Ensues.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Turns out the cheese that Raj received and Lumpus partially ate was made from China, meaning that Lumpus is gonna be fine after all.
  • Unconventional Food Usage: Raj receives a wheel of cheese from India which he uses as a toy. Justified since the cheese is toxic if consumed, although it's revealed at the end of the episode that the cheese is actually a non-poisonous type made in China.
  • You Meddling Kids: When he’s being dragged away by the police, Lumpus curses Raj insisting he’ll make him pay for everything that’s happened.

"Campers All Pull Pants" contains examples of:

  • Comedic Underwear Exposure: The campers being exposed in their underwear is meant for laughs, considering how frequent the Running Gag occurs in the episode.
  • Cowardice Callout: When Lazlo suggests that Edward tell everyone that he pants him, Edward reluctantly goes along with it, but calls Lazlo a coward for not being willing to face his fate. This is what leads Lazlo to get over his fear of being pantsed and face Edward in a showdown.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Edward pantsing everyone in Camp Kidney. His last target is Lazlo, who he ends up tricking into a bunker to pull his pants down.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: This episode is about Edward attempting to pants everyone in Camp Kidney. The campers wearing undies with embarrassing depictions adds to their humiliation.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: Clam doesn't mind being pantsed and in fact encourages Edward to do it again.
  • Pants-Pulling Prank: The main theme is Edward pulling down his fellow campers' pants.
  • Running Gag: Edward pulling down everyone's pants.
  • Showdown at High Noon: The climax of the episode sees Lazlo face off with Edward this way, complete with the Dung Beetles warily stating there’s gonna be trouble and the Loons retreating indoors for cover.
  • Sudden Anatomy: Not done to body parts, but instead done to pants. All of the campers normally either go pantsless or wear Long Pants. In this episode, the Bean Scouts are all drawn with yellow shorts.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: While everyone else is embarrassed, Clam enjoys getting pantsed. When Lazlo and Edward pants each other, Lazlo doesn't find it embarrassing and he and Edward come to enjoy it.
