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Recap / Camp Camp S 4 E 7 Preston Goodplays Good Play

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When a mocking impersonation becomes widely popular with the other campers, Preston must choose between his newfound popularity or staying true to his craft.


  • Bittersweet Ending: Preston happily reaffirms his desire to create plays that have meaning to him, as he gets booed and tomatoes thrown at him for his play. Even David is unsure if it's really a happy ending.
  • Imagine Spot: Preston imagines his future self mocking him for have a career based on low-effort memes.
  • Mirror Monologue: Preston argues with his two vanity mirrors, which quickly turns into a Good Angel, Bad Angel fight.
  • Trade Your Passion for Glory: Preston temporarily sacrifices his artistic integrity for a lowbrow humor routine which entertains the campers.
