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Recap / C Hi Ps S 1 E 5 Career Day

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After speeding through the streets of the L. A. suburbs chasing drunk frat boys in a hearse, breaking up a traffic jam caused by a scofflaw photographer and his swimsuit models, Ponch and John try their best to track down a pair of burglars using CB radios to target houses whose owners are on vacation.

Unfortunately, Ponch wrecks another bike, and is forced by Sgt. Gatraer to choose either desk duty or fly in a helicopter.

Ponch takes to the air.

And if that weren't enough for Ponch, he has to give a speech at Lehigh Polytechnical High School, his old alma mater, after giving a ticket to his old principal..

Tropes seen in this episode:

  • Distracted by the Sexy: Every motorist that was watching the swimsuit models having their photos taken in the field near the overpass... which was a cause of a LOT of rubbernecking by motorists, slowing traffic down better than a California Transportations flagman.
  • Screaming Woman: Invoked as Ponch and John engage in Hot Pursuit with a speeding hearse, driven by drunken frat boys. When it blows though a 4-Way lane, a coffin slides out of the back of it, and lands in the middle of the street. A lady pedestrian sees it, and screams in terror.
    • When Baricza stops the traffic long enough, he taps the coffin lid with his nightstick, telling the occupant to get out. When the coffin opens up, the woman screams again, and then faints!
