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Recap / Beavis And Butthead S 7 E 41 Beavis And Butt Head Are Dead

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In the original series finale, Beavis and Butt-Head don't show up to school for three weeks and the school assumes they're dead.

  • Accidental Misnaming: A reporter refers to the boys as "Bravis and Head-Butt."
  • Alas, Poor Villain: When the titular duo calls in sick by telling Principal McVicker’s secretary they’re dead, Mr. Van Dreissen and Stewart are genuinely heartbroken by the news.
  • And There Was Much Rejoicing: The entire school faculty's and student population's reaction (minus Mr. Van Dreissen and Stewart) to the titular duo's "death."
  • Apathetic Citizens: At school, with the exception of Van Dreissen and Stewart, they are either overjoyed, or at worst apathetic that Beavis and Butt-Head are dead, with even Daria (despite the fact that she's supposed to be in Lawndale right now) saying that it's not like they had great lives ahead of them.
  • Clip Show: Several characters flash back to the duo's worst moments, with McVicker having a heart attack during a montage full of their most destructive moments.
  • Extra-Long Episode: 22-minutes, and one of the few not to include any music videos.
  • Hollywood Heart Attack: McVicker has one after the duo show up to school.
  • Riding into the Sunset: The duo end the original series by walking into the sunset with the jar full of money that McVicker gathered.
  • Self-Serving Memory: Twicefold.
    • Butt-Head's flashback involves the girl flirting with him and then them having sex.
    • Stewart has one to playing with the boys and having a good time.
  • Series Fauxnale: Was originally the series finale of the original series.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: Unsurprisingly, the teachers and students openly celebrate the fact the two supposedly passed. McVicker only speaks of the tragedy when on the news. The only ones that are genuinely heartbroken by the duo's "death" are Mr. Van Dreissen and Stewart.
