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Recap / Batwoman 2019 S 3 E 6 How Does Your Garden Grow

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A victim of Poison Ivy is found in the park, leading to the reveal of the new Poison Ivy.


  • Adaptational Superpower Change: While Poison Ivy's powers over plants have grown in the past few decades, Ivy herself has always been Pamela Isley. Even when multiple Ivys were running around, they were all grown from her blood and are essentially plant people. In this iteration, Ivy is able to take over people like a parasite.
  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: Mary has no memory of her time as Poison Ivy.
  • Bait the Dog: Alice at first genuinely seems to be concerned with Mary's wellbeing and wants to protect her from Montoya... but then she reveals that she just wanted to bring out Poison Ivy so she can team up with her.
  • Bland-Name Product: Mary met the first victim on Twinge, which seems to be a knockoff of Tinder.
  • Body Horror: While he luckily survives, the sight of Chris Hayner as a living beehive is still quite disturbing, to say the least.
  • Brutal Honesty:
    • Alice calls out the team's failures throughout the episode in a very blunt way, but she isn't exactly wrong.
    • Similarly, Poison Ivy reveals all the hurt Mary felt towards Ryan and Luke, unfiltered.
  • Chained to a Rock: Not a rock, but Mary handcuffs herself to a guardrail in the Batcave so she won't harm anyone else.
  • Conflict Ball: Ryan is evasive about Jada's involvement with the Black Glove Society because she doesn't want to reveal Marquis's condition, driving a wedge between her and Sophie because Jada is indirectly responsible for nearly killing her sister and Ryan's sudden about-face on the matter makes no sense without context.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The events of the last three episodes get brought up multiple times throughout the episode.
    • While sniping at each other, Sophie and Montoya bring up the Crows uprising last season.
    • Ryan brings up the new Mad Hatter from the season premiere when discussing the legacy rogues' MO.
    • After the Black Glove henchman name drops Marla Elliot, Tommy's mother, Sophie references their encounter with Hush.
  • Crucified Hero Shot: Poison Mary initially ties up Luke this way.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Mary turned a man into a living beehive for being rejected with the word "sweet".
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Mary struggling to admit to Ryan and Luke that she's Poison Ivy is played as if she's coming out as a lesbian, which is referenced by Alice.
  • Double Standard: Alice calls out Ryan for not reporting Mary to Montoya immediately, but being perfectly fine with throwing Alice in Arkham and throwing away the key. However, she's clearly ignoring their differing circumstances.
  • Driven to Suicide: The henchman, Virgil, strangles himself as soon as he is able rather than tell Batwoman or Sophie more about the Black Glove Society.
  • Evil Me Scares Me: Every time Mary learns more and more about what she did as Poison Ivy, she becomes more and more horrified.
  • Eye Color Change: Mary gains green eyes as Poison Ivy.
  • He's Back!: Luke puts on the Batwing suit again. Unfortunately, Poison Ivy took out his father's AI.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Montoya and Ryan each try this with Mary, but fail.
  • Internal Reveal: Alice reveals to the Bat-Team that Mary is becoming Poison Ivy, which includes Mary herself. She also tells Luke and Mary about the history between Isley and Montoya.
  • It's All My Fault: Naturally, Ryan and Luke blame themselves for what Mary has become after the latter confronts them with how they treated her.
  • Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Sophie puts Virgil through this, outright burning one of his cheeks with a blowtorch.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: What the Poison Ivy infection is doing to Mary, only instead of eco-terrorism, it's getting back at anyone who even mildly hurts her.
  • Joggers Find Death: While the victim isn't dead, the cold open concerns a random girl playing basketball with her friends, when the ball gets away and rolls to a nearby tool shed. She opens it up after seeing strange liquid ooze out, only to find a guy apparently turned into a living beehive, complete with bees flying out of his mouth and nostrils. One almost expected Briscoe and Green to show up afterwards.
  • Keeping Secrets Sucks: Ryan refuses to tell Sophie the truth over why she defends her mother throughout the episode, leading to the latter eventually losing all trust in her.
  • Literal Metaphor: As Mary leaves, she says that Ryan will be wrapped up in her problems for once, before literally wrapping the hero in dozens of vines.
  • Lured into a Trap: Poison Mary uses her cell phone to lure Batwoman and Batwing into a trap. Before that, she also lures Montoya towards her.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Mary eventually gives in to her Poison Ivy self due to frustration over Ryan and Luke constantly ignoring her boiling over.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Mary's hair is done up like Uma Thurman's.
    • Alice compares Mary to Harley Quinn, as another medical professional who used her credentials to become a villain.
  • Not Good with Rejection: See Disproportionate Retribution above. Poison Ivy turns somebody into a living beehive simply for not being interested in her.
  • Oh, Crap!: Alice, when she hears Chris Hayner is being brought to Mary for treatment, as she knows that Mary is the one who did this to him.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: When Ryan calls out Alice for hiding the truth from the team, Alice retorts that Mary is their friend and neither she, nor Luke were even able to tell that there was something wrong with her.
  • The Reveal: The Black Glove Society is a group of multi-millionaires with very troubled kids, and their goal is, essentially, to fix them before the public finds out.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: What Mary-as-Poison-Ivy's MO seems to be. Her first discovered victim rejected her on a dating app, while the second discovered was a Black Glove henchman that was partially responsible for almost killing Sophie's sister. Mary then attempts to kill Renee after she betrayed Pamela to Batman, culminating in lashing out at Ryan and Luke for ignoring her all the time.
  • Sand Necktie: How Alice and Ryan find Virgil, courtesy of Poison Ivy.
  • Sex for Solace: With both feeling betrayed by Ryan, Sophie and Montoya drown their sorrows at the bar together, leading to them going back and having sex with each other.
  • Shout-Out: Alice name drops Jumanji when presenting evidence that Mary is turning into Ivy. Later on, she also calls Mary Dr. Jeckyll and Ms. Hyde. When revealing what happened between Montoya and Isley, she also name drops Little Shop of Horrors.
  • Spanner in the Works: Alice interferes constantly in this episode to further her own agendas, most notably telling Sophie about the Black Glove henchman and pushing Mary into being Poison Ivy 24/7.
  • Spotting the Thread: Montoya can easily tell when Ryan is lying to her about not knowing why Poison Ivy would target Black Glove.
  • Third-Person Flashback: While we don't get an actual flashback, Alice mentions Kate coming out as if she was there, which means Kate came out as lesbian while she was a preteen.
  • The Unfettered: Mary's Poison Ivy half is her without any emotional restraints.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Mary is obviously very disturbed when Alice tells her that she is Poison Ivy.
  • Villain Team-Up: Mary and Alice team up after the former fully becomes Poison Ivy.
  • Wham Line: Both in and out of universe when Mary tries to tell Ivy's victim she's there to help and he blurts "Help me? You did this to me!"
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • As Poison Ivy, Mary calls out Ryan for ignoring her in favor of others, being oblivious to her transformation until Alice forced the issue.
    • Montoya also calls out Ryan for keeping secrets from her and indirectly unleashing Poison Ivy on the city.
