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Recap / Batman Wayne Family Adventures Episode 92 Newsflash

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Jon Kent and Damian Wayne spend a day with Clark and Lois at the Daily Planet.


  • Badass Normal: Lois shows the boys how reporters help people. By the end of the comic, the two see her as this.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Lois Lane-Kent's first appearance in the series.
  • Great Detective: Damian knows instantly who the office lunch thief is.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their obvious differences (Jon is the superpowered son of Superman who's had a semi-normal upbringing and has an upbeat personality while Damian is a Badass Normal Child Soldier who tends to be a cynic), they get along surprisingly well.
  • Older Than They Look: Due to his Kryptonian genes, Clark doesn't look as old as he really is. He's reminded of his age when he casually mentions phone booths and the boys (who are around eight) draw a blank.
  • Phone Booth Changing Room: Brought up by Clark, to which Jon and Damian have no clue what phone booths are.
  • Take That!: When asking each other what a phone booth is, Damian mentions that it sounds like the worst possible place to change clothes.
