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Recap / Attack On Titan S 1 E 8 I Can Hear His Heartbeat The Struggle For Trost Part 4

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With a new potential ally in their midsts Armin comes up with a plan to use the "Rogue" Titan to kill the other Titans stationed at HQ. While the Rogue Titan rampages Armin convenes with the other 104th Cadets in an attempt to retrieve their gas. However unknown to the Cadets at the time they are about to learn a startiling truth about their new friend.


  • Ass Shove: Reiner jokes that this is the other Titan weak spot. Sasha and Armin think he's serious until Jean tells him to knock it off in case those are his Last Words.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Jean's reaction to seeing the Rogue Titan's fist punch in and send the two Titans at the hole in HQ flying.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Jean is still reeling from the deaths of various Cadets at the end of the last episode and his decisions ends up costing even more people their lives. However Marco points out that, without Jean's quick thinking, they all would have been dead.
  • Eye Scream: Armin's plan involves a series of Cadets being lowered into the lower level of the Supply Depot to draw the seven Titans currently there towards them. Then, using some left over rifles, blind the Titans and allow Jean, Reiner, Annie, Mikasa, Bertolt, Sasha and Connie to take out their napes.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: The Rogue Titan tearing itself to pieces in order to kill the Titan that ate Thomas earlier in the day is a clue that it is Eren.
  • Tears of Joy: Mikasa and Armin can only weep joyously when they realise that Eren is alive and well after believing him to be dead earlier on in the day.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: When Jean arrives at the HQ and finds various members of the Supply Depot hiding underneath a table he punches one of them out for leaving them to die.
  • Wham Episode: The Rogue Titan that has been killing other Titans in Troust is revealed to be a Titanised Eren.
  • Wham Shot: Eren emerging from the Rogue Titan's nape.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are:
    • Armin is hesitant about the other 104th members using his tactic in order to get rid of the Titans stationed at the lower level. However Mikasa encourages him and points out that Armin's quick thinking has saved their lives before.
    • Jean is left disgusted with himself after witnessing so many other members of the Cadets dying because of his decisions. However Marco tells him that his ability to empathise makes him a brillant leader and that he made the right call on the battlefield.
