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Recap / Animorphs: The Alien

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Narrator: Ax

Ax deals with being trapped on Earth, along with his duty to put an end to Visser Three.


  • Aliens Love Human Food: The insight into Ax's psyche reveals he considers human foods to be their greatest accomplishment, especially cinnamon buns, Snickers bars, and vinegar.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: The Animorphs finally ask how Andalites eat with No Mouth. Ax reveals they absorb water and nutrients through their hooves.
  • Changed My Mind, Kid: Ax's caginess around Andalite secrets costs him the trust of the Animorphs, causing him to try and kill Visser Three alone. The rest of the team comes barreling in to save him anyway.
  • Death Seeker: Visser Three's host, Alloran-Semitur-Corrass, begs Ax to kill him when the Yeerk momentarily leaves his brain. Ax is unable to find it in him to kill a helpless fellow Andalite.
  • Enemy Mine: A human-Controller whose lover was sacrificed by Visser Three gives Ax the Visser's feeding location so they can both try and get revenge.
  • Hot Sauce Drinking: Ax experiences chili for the first time, and enjoys it immensely.
  • Humanity Is Infectious: Ax claims it's easy to forget you're not a human if you're an Andalite in human morph.
  • Humans Through Alien Eyes: As the book is from Ax's point of view, it's also a good insight into his growing fondness and bewilderment about humans and their culture.
    The first thing an Andalite may notice about humans, is that they walk around on only two legs. It is very strange to see so many creatures balancing that way. But, despite this, they seldom fall over.
  • The Reveal: Ax reveals the story of Seerow, the Andalite who took pity on the Yeerks and gave them advanced technology, which they subsequently used to conquer other alien species they could use as hosts.
  • Scaled Up: Ax acquires a rattlesnake as part of his plan to take down Visser Three.
  • Taking the Heat: Ax is forced to take the blame for giving five humans the ability to morph by the Andalite Council. This is mostly done to protect Elfangor's heroic reputation in Andalite society.
  • Wham Line: Downplayed. Before he falls unconscious, Alloran reveals that the Yeerks have made headway into the Andalite home world. This would be a huge game-changer in the war, if it wasn't only going to be relevant for ten more books.
