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Recap / Animaniacs Episode 15

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Airdate: October 1, 1993

Opening Line: "Andromeda- Strainy"- Yakko

Tower Escape: The Warners shoot themselves out of a giant cannon that comes out of the tower

Space Probed: When aliens abduct the Warner Siblings, the hijinks are out of this world!

Battle for the Planet: Hoping to cause a panic akin to Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast, Pinky and the Brain televise their own fake invasion.

Space Probed has examples of

  • Alien Abduction
  • The Cameo: At one point, Pinky and the Brain are seen in a glass container. Pinky holds up a card saying "Send help!".
  • Commercial Break Cliff Hanger: Dot's encounter with the aliens was temporarily halted, after she is taken by aliens. Following the ads, her encounter resumes. Luckily, she ends up OK.
  • Elvis Lives: And is in the spaceship, along with Bigfoot, Amelia Earhart and Jimmy Hoffa.
  • Fun with Subtitles: Taken to a literal degree. Upon noticing, the Warners start messing around with one alien's subtitles to change what he says. They alter "These are typical Earth creatures." to "Are these typical Earth creatures?" and immediately making bizarre faces. Then they change "No" to "No Problem".
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Once again, Rob Paulsen gets to showcase his fluency in Japanese. After seeing the subtitles, Yakko greets the alien in Japanese, with Dot speaking in fake Swedish for good measure.
  • Odd Organ Up Top: The alien leader has a giant toe for a head.
  • Pity the Kidnapper: The aliens learn the hard way that abducting the Warners was a big mistake.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The Warners refer to the alien they constantly mess with as "Yoda".
    • When Wakko leaves him trapped on a speeding treadmill, 'Yoda' cries out "Jane! Stop this crazy thing!", complete with an alien caricature of Jane Jetson.
  • Skewed Priorities:
    Yakko: Call it a hunch, sibs, but I think we've been abducted by aliens.
    Dot: Aliens? What'll we do?
    Wakko: Go find the cafeteria?
    Yakko, Dot: Yeah!
    • Happens again when Yakko befriends the alien leader and he offers him a wish. What does Yakko wish for? Hello Nurse in a skimpy astronaut outfit!
  • Suddenly Shouting: In a nod to the air raid warden jokes from the Wartime Cartoons, Dot yells out for the spaceship to "TURN OUT THAT LIGHT!!!!!!! It attracts insects."
  • Translation: "Yes": An alien gives his leader a long response to his leader's command, which subtitles to "Okay."

Battle for the Planet has examples of

  • Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: "I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels."
  • Bad "Bad Acting": Among the issues that cause Pinky and the Brains' broadcast to be unconvincing is Brain's clumsy and flat way of talking.
  • The Cameo: Among the people watching the broadcast are Elmyra's family from two episodes of Tiny Toon Adventures and Ralph.
  • Media Scaremongering: Brain, posing as a newscaster, does this hoping to stir up a frenzy.
  • Special Effects Failure: In-Universe. Another issue with Pinky and the Brains' broadcast is that their set and props aren't very realistic, with Pinky's alien monster costume consisting of a simple rubber glove.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: At the climax of their broadcast, Brain says to the viewers "This is not a trick so that we can take over the world!".
  • Whole-Plot Reference: To Orson Welles' radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds. The Brain attempts to recreate this for television to make the world go into a panic just like it is said to have done during the radio broadcast. Unfortunately, it backfires, and people mistake it for a comedy.

Ending Tower Gag- "Gooooooodbye, Nurse!"- Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
