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Recap / Aggretsuko S 1 E 3 Short Timer

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"Have you...have you lost your mind?!"

Original Air Date: April 20, 2018
Retsuko channels her inner Slipknot.

A misunderstanding makes Haida fear for the worst regarding Retsuko. However, when Tsubone gets on her last nerve, Retsuko does something completely unprecedented, and dangerous: she sticks up for herself.

This episode contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: Retsuko's response to Tsubone's needling makes it sound like Tsubone was having her do all of the work Tsubone herself was supposed to be doing.
    Retsuko: If you thought all that, maybe you should've done your job and checked the ledger yourself.
  • Embarrassing Cover Up: In order to keep her plans to quit her job a secret from Kabae, Retsuko claims the reason she looks so relieved is because she was constipated for five days.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Learning about Retsuko's intentions of leaving her job, Ton decides to give Retsuko hell, starting with giving her the intentionally-embarrassing nickname of "Short-Timer/Calendar".
  • Gossip Evolution: Retsuko's cover story about being constipated for five days eventually gets twisted enough that Haida thinks she gave birth.
  • Meaningful Name: Ton maliciously gives Retsuko an insulting nickname after learning she plans to leave the company.
    Ton: Starting now, I'm gonna call you "Calendar"... 'cause YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!
  • Metal Scream: After the talkback to Tsubone, Retsuko revels in it at the karaoke bar.
    Retsuko: I AM TRIUMPHANT!!!
