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Recap / Adventure Time S 5 E 41 The Pit

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Kee-Oth the Blood Demon kidnaps Jake and takes him to his pit. Finn and Lady Rainicorn team up to save him.


  • Bait-and-Switch Comment: Joshua has trapped Kee-Oth with shackles and chains, and Kee-Oth can't use his bloodsucking powers on Joshua because of all the holy water Joshua's been drinking. So, while Joshua's in the bathroom (from all the holy water), Kee-Oth uses his powers on himself to create a powerful sword out of demon blood, to cut himself free. Then Joshua shows up with a stone tablet and banishes him, leaving the awesome sword behind for Joshua to examine.
    Joshua: Wow, I don't believe it! (Aside Glance) I gotta wee-wee again!
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Samantha's challenge to Jake has overtones of this.
  • Bowdlerise: Some versions of the episode cut the content dealing with Jake's erotic videos for Lady.
    • In addition, Finn's line "Oh, man! He's sucking my sword off its hilt!" used to be read in previous versions more like "Oh, man! He's sucking my sword off...its hilt!", making the innuendo more obvious. A current version of the episode usually has an alternate take of the line without the gap.
  • The Bus Came Back: Lady plays a major role for the first time since "Jake the Dad".
  • Chekhov's Gag: The scene with Joshua drinking holy water and the home movie with Shelby seem like a funny gags at first, but it ends up coming into play at the end when Finn gets Shelby to bless the grape juice sword, defeating Kee-Oth when he consumes it.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Kee-Oth can fight, but Jake notes that he seems to like the prospect of getting beat up a little too much.
  • Continuity Nod: Jake's video has BMO and Shelby making a sequel to the film Heat Signatures (from the episode of the same title) and using the "Check please!" joke from "Video Makers".
  • Denied Food as Punishment: Kee-Oth makes a barrier around Jake's bare essentials for survival.
  • Eldritch Location: Kee-Oth lives in a literal Mirror World complete with cracks.
  • Femme Fatale: Samantha, who is a deadly female dog who fights Jake.
  • Funny Animal: Samantha the dog girl, who is rather more anthropomorphic than Jake.
  • Geometric Magic: Lady Rainicorn uses her own body to form a magic circle, so that she can get transported to Kee-Oth's realm along with Finn.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Kee-Oth is killed by his own blood sucking powers when Finn tricks him into sucking holy grape juice frozen in the shape of a sword.
  • Holy Burns Evil: Holy water hurts Kee-Oth.
  • Killed Off for Real: Kee-Oth is killed by his own blood sucking powers.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: When Finn and Rainicorn finally find Jake, he is seen getting crushed by Samantha's arms. Rainicorn thinks she's "hugging" him in the pit, but he insists they are really fighting (which they were since Samantha prefers to fight honorably rather than wait for rescue). Once they escape, Rainicorn and Samantha both question why he never used his stretching powers to escape the pit before they arrived, which he answers that he was weak from blood loss and would have had to deal with Kee-Oth and his traps on his own.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Samantha is drawn in Furry Comic style rather than like the usual Adventure Time talking animal.
  • Noodle Incident: How Samantha got into Kee-Oth's Mirror World in the first place.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Kee-Oth who is now a Big Red Devil due to Finn offering his blood back from Joshua's sword. He also sucks the blood of others and can be destroyed by holy water.
  • Spiked Blood: Joshua drank so much holy water that Kee-Oth gags the instant he tries to suck his blood.
    Joshua: And naturally, I gotta go to the bathroom like crazy. Be right back!
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: The Little Buddy that Jake befriends is killed off by Kee-Oth's barrier.
