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Quotes / Total Eclipse of the Plot

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Housemaster, Arfenhouse Teh Movie Too

Novice: Oh, God, please answer this prayer by not answering this prayer. [The sun goes black.] Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I did a paradox at God and I've destroyed God! I'm such an asshole and now we're all doomed!
Monk: Whoah! You're not an asshole and you can't destroy God. It's just a solar eclipse.
Solar eclipses are God's way of resetting after a paradox. Asshole.

As the players rest that day, they stir from their slumber and awaken. Not drowsy or weak, nor feeling the usual pull to sleep through the day, they emerge to find the world cold and... dark. They look up to where the sun is supposed to be, and see a dark object blocking it, like an eclipse. Everyone would know if there were to be an eclipse, however; this is unnatural. In truth, it feels unnatural as well. The glow of the sun is barely visible around the edges of the black object.
Each and every Lasombra vampire in the world feels something tugging at her soul, a chill down to her spine - a very bad feeling indeed...

"The Day of Unity will be in exactly one month, when the tide is at its lowest and the moon obscures the sun."
Emperor Belos, The Owl House

"Now that's something you don't see every day. Like a huge hole... I'll bet some god or devil or somethin' is peeking through that hole."
Puck, Berserk, "The Promised Time"

"The time has come... the time of the Great Nocturnal Festival! The feast that happens... once every 216 years... THE ECLIPSE!!!"
The Apostles, Berserk, "The Promised Time"
