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Quotes / Rosie's Rules

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Marco: Que pasa, calabaza?
Rosie: Nada, empanada.

Abuela: Adios, granito de arroz.
Rosie: Ciao, bacalao!

Rosie: Well, that's new information!

Rosie: I need to flop.

Rosie: Mama macaroni!

Rosie: Wait a secamadoodle.

Rosie: Bye, Gatita!
Iggy: Bye, Tita!
Marco: Bye, Gatita! Wait, what?!?
"Cat Mail"

Crystal: Surprise to meeee! (looks around and sees no one is there) Huh? Well, this is awkward.
"Sister Surprise"

Liz: Whoa! What are all these decorations for?
Marco: (points at Margarita) Isn't that the poofy dress Rosie was wearing?
Margarita: Si. I wish someone would tell me why I'm wearing it, hmm?
Rosie: Because of the sister surprise!
Liz: Sister surprise? Marco, Margarita, what's going on?
Marco: Ves? Te dije. Come in the back door with the cake!
Margarita: I didn't do it, you were going—
Marco: You came in the front, made a big production out of it! Now she knows.
"Sister Surprise"

Rosie: Iggy! Did you eat one of our ingredients?!
Iggy: Lote did it.
"Chef Rosie"

Javi: Maybe we should just go on the spinny ride again.
Marco: Uh, I don't think my legs like that idea.
Crystal: How about you take Iggy to the train, and I'll take Rosie and Javi to the merry-go-round?
Marco: Are you sure, Crystal?
Crystal: Marco, I'm 12, and I'm very grown up (one second later) And look at those adorable balloon animals! (Record Needle Scratch) What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Me, very grown up.
