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Quotes / People Zoo

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Films — Live-Action

In Timbuktu, there's a Chimpanzoo that's run by a chimpanzee.
It's an oddish place where the human race is under lock and key.
And on their backs, they wear small plaques for the animals to view,
Which specify the reasons why they're locked in the Chimpanzoo.

If you're boisterous and bumptious, you're risked for the Chimpanzoo,
If you're overly rambunctious, you're whisked to Timbuktu.
Laughs, laughs, nothing but laughs, but you know who's laughing at who?
It's the animals there who giggle and stare at you in the Chimpanzoo.
—"The Chimpanzoo", a deleted song from Mary Poppins


I got grabbed by the elk and the caribou.
They tied me up with vine lassoo
And whisked me away to Animaloo,
Where they locked me up in the People Zoo.

Now I'm here in a cage that is small as can be
(You can't let wild people just run around free),
And I'm fed bread and tea at a quarter to three,
And the animals all come and gander to me.

They point and they giggle and sometimes they spit
(There's bars on my cage, so they can't poke or hit),
And they scream, "Do a trick," but I stubbornly sit,
Not doin' nothin'... but thinking's a bit.

So if you come visit, just howl, honk, or moo
And try to pretend you're an animal, too.
'Cause if you’re a person, they'll throw you into
Cage Two of the zoo here in Animaloo.
Falling Up (Silverstein), "The People Zoo"

Web Comics

Jean: What about aquarium castles?
Bob: Huh? Y'know, stuff you put in an aquarium to make it look nice and give the fish stuff to swim around... but y'know, no water.
Jean: We're pets?
Bob: Maybe... and we've bit them twice. And growled at 'em a lot.
Jean: Pets... or is this a zoo?
Bob: Depends how many people are looking at us, I guess.
