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Quotes / Not Growing Up Sucks

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"I can't stay a kid forever! When Connie grows up and becomes president what is that gonna make me? First Boy!?"

"And like Peter Pan said, 'To die...would be a great adventure.'"
Superboy, Young Justice

"That's me in there... the real me! There I am... [glances down at her hand, disillusioned] But it's not really real, is it? It's all made-up and pretend like my family, and my life, and everything else! [rounds on Batman with her gun] Why couldn't you just let me make-believe?!"
Mary Dahl, a.k.a. Baby-Doll, Batman: The Animated Series, "Baby-Doll"

"You have any idea what it's like to be a big man on the inside and have a small body on the outside?"
Homer, Near Dark

"You know why I hated living with humans? Because they reminded me of things I didn't even know I wanted. Because of them, now I want to know what it feels like to grow up. To fall in love. To have a family. And to know in the end I've lived."
Sprite, Eternals

“You worked with the Empire City Guard in the seventies and eighties?” asked Jan incredulously. “I though the Side Kick Endangerment Act was passed back in the sixties…”
“It was, and I was instrumental in its passing. Detectives, let me not put too fine a point on this, but I’m seventy five.”
“I should be so lucky!” exclaimed Jan in surprise.
“Be careful what you wish for detective. I looked like a teenager until I was nearly thirty. You can rest assured that was no fun.”
Headmistress Elizabeth Carson, Whateley Universe, "Crime and Chaos"[1]

"Eternal youth isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Sometimes it's a burden that doesn't have a name, and there's no way to explain it to the people who think you're a lucky child who needs to stop complaining."
Apple Tanaka, InCryptid
